Mpiexec e machinelist

Satish Balay balay at
Wed Dec 3 09:09:06 CST 2008

On Wed, 3 Dec 2008, Santolo Felaco wrote:

> Hi. How can I set the machine list with comand mpiexec of release of
> mpiech integrate with Petsc 2.3.1?  With mpirun I set -machine-file.

If you use the option --download-mpich=1, we just install MPICH2.

We however default to using --with-pm=gforker - for convinence. If you
wish to run across multiple machines - you need MPICH2 installed with
pm=mpd, and then configure mpd across multiple machines - with the
machine file. [mpich install with mpd can be done with petsc configure
option --download-mpich-device=mpd. But additionally - you would have
to manually configure mpd with the required machinefile]

Alternatively - you can install your own MPI - as you desire - and
then install PETSc with the option --with-mpi-dir [instad of --with-cc
--with-fc --download-mpich=1] option. Each MPI impl [and version] will
have a slightly different way of installing/configuring machinefiles.

BTW: You are uisng a very old version of PETSc. Current release is


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