Error when using MKL

Ben Tay zonexo at
Mon Dec 1 05:50:54 CST 2008


I met with some problems when using the MKL My PETSc was 
compiled using --with-shared=0. However, after compilation, when I run 
some of the tests such as ex1f and ex2f, I got the error:

./ex2f: error while loading shared libraries: cannot 
open shared object file: No such file or directory

I thought I had specified to use static. My command to compile is :

./config/ --with-vendor-compilers=intel --with-x=0 
--with-hypre-dir=/home/svu/g0306332/lib/hypre --with-debugging=0 
--with-batch=1 --with-mpi-dir=/app1/mvapich/current/ --with-mpi-shared=0 
--with-shared=0 --with-blas-lapack-dir=/opt/intel/cmkl/

However, if I use back MKL 8.1.1, with similar command, then there's no 
such problem.

Hope you can help. Thanks!

Yours sincerely,

Ben Tay

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