Aron Ahmadia aja2111 at
Sat Jan 27 17:41:02 CST 2007

Hi Brian,

I took a quick peek at the source for DAGetGlobalVector in the current release:

  for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_VECTORS; i++) {
    if (da->globalin[i]) {
      *g             = da->globalin[i];
      da->globalin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
      goto alldone;
  ierr = DACreateGlobalVector(da,g);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_VECTORS; i++) {
    if (!da->globalout[i]) {
      da->globalout[i] = *g;

The two appear to be very similar, with this exception.  Get/Restore
work with one copy of the DA's global vector, but will make a copy if
one has already been checked out or none exist.

DACreateGlobalVector will always make a copy of the global vector,
regardless of the circumstances.   I think you're better off using Get
and Restore (less data copying) unless you'd like to work with
multiple copies for some reason.


On 1/27/07, Brian Grierson <bag2107 at> wrote:
> Could you please tell me the difference between
> DACreateGlobalVector / VecDestroy
> and
> DAGetGlobalVector / DARestoreGlobalVector
> Brian A. Grierson
> Department of Applied Physics
> Columbia University
> Mobile: 646.259.1038
> Work:    212-854-4839
> bag2107 at
> bgrierson21 at

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