Lapack/blas and Gotoblas

Ben Tay zonexo at
Fri Jan 26 21:11:26 CST 2007


My school's server has lapack and blas installed. However, I can't get it to
be automatically detected by using ./configure. what is the filename that I
should used? Is it liblapack.a and libblas.a? I can't find libblas.a in the
/usr/lib directory though. Is there another filename for it? I found that if
I specify just the dir (/usr/lib) or liblapack.a for both the lapack and
blas lib, it won't work

Btw, can I use GotoBlas? I tried to specify libgoto.a or libgoto_northwoodp- and I managed to compile. However, during testing, the error msg

for libgoto.a :

undefined reference to `pthread_create'
undefined reference to `dpotrs_'
undefined reference to `pthread_join'

for :

undefined reference to `dpotrs_'

That was linked for shared library. If it is for static library, the error

bcgsl.o)(.text+0x103a): In function `KSPSolve_BCGSL':
: undefined reference to `dpotrs_'
bcgsl.o)(.text+0x10f3): In function `KSPSolve_BCGSL':
: undefined reference to `dpotrs_'
bcgsl.o)(.text+0x116f): In function `KSPSolve_BCGSL':
: undefined reference to `dpotrs_'
/lsftmp/g0306332/GotoBLAS/libgoto.a(blas_server.o)(.text+0x370): In function
: undefined reference to `pthread_create'
/lsftmp/g0306332/GotoBLAS/libgoto.a(blas_server.o)(.text+0x709): In function

So can gotoblas be used?

Thank you very much
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