Using parMetis in petsc for ordering

Barry Smith bsmith at
Mon Jan 8 15:14:12 CST 2007

  1) The PETSc LU and Cholesky solvers only run sequentially.
  2) The parallel LU and Cholesky solvers PETSc interfaces to, SuperLU_dist,
     MUMPS, Spooles, DSCPACK do NOT accept an external ordering provided for
   Hence we do not have any setup for doing parallel matrix orderings for
factorizations, since we cannot use them. We could allow calling a parallel
ordering but I'm not sure what it would be useful for.


On Mon, 8 Jan 2007, Dimitri Lecas wrote:

> Hello,
> I have to test the ParMetis ordering for factorization and i would like to
> known if it's possible to use a user ordering ?
> If i understand the manual correctly, i have to use MatOrderingRegisterDynamic
> and PCFactorSetMatOrdering but the sentence "Currently we support orderings
> only for sequential matrices" in 16.2 of manual, disturb me. What does it
> means ?
> Best regards

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