[petsc-dev] Inquiry about contributing to MMG interface

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 09:05:46 CST 2025

On Wed, Feb 5, 2025 at 9:52 AM neil liu <liufield at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear developers,
> I am currently working with MMG in the context of PETSc and have
> identified a need to modify the existing MMG interface,
> DMAdaptMetric_Mmg_Plex(), for our use case. Given these requirements, I
> would like to explore the feasibility of contributing to PETSc to enhance
> this interface, which has been verified and validated in our research code.
> *Proposed Modifications:*
>    1.
>    *Additional Labels for Physical Entities:*
>    - In addition to the existing bdLabel and rgLabel, our case requires
>       two additional labels to represent physical vertices and edges within the
>       computational domain (3D).
> I am open to this. Can you be more specific about what it means?

>    1.
>       - One approach is to introduce two new parameters in the
>       subroutine’s input list. However, this may require modifications across
>       related components, such as Pragmatic.
> This is not a problem. I can modify those.

>    1.
>    *Support for Open Boundaries:*
>    - The current interface does not support open boundaries, a feature
>       available in MMG.
>       - As a result, several MMG benchmark cases involving open boundary
>       remeshing cannot be executed within PETSc.
> Can you explain what this means? What is an open boundary exactly?

> Would this be a viable contribution to PETSc? If so, I would appreciate
> any guidance on the best approach to implementing these changes while
> maintaining compatibility with existing features.
Yes. Please make a fork of the petsc repo, make a branch with the proposed
changes, make an MR for that branch, and add me to your fork (I am knepley
on GitLab). I can help you get it going.



> Looking forward to your thoughts.
> Best regards,
> Thanks,
> Xiaodong

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