[petsc-dev] Speeding up building docs

Patrick Sanan patrick.sanan at gmail.com
Sat Jan 15 00:12:42 CST 2022


Am Sa., 15. Jan. 2022 um 07:07 Uhr schrieb Patrick Sanan <
patrick.sanan at gmail.com>:

> Yes, that's a good point - there's no reason to do the copy if we're
> already assuming the source is up to date, so we can easily just check if
> the destination already has data!
> Also, while the build time certainly annoys me as well, it stopped being
> as much of a priority to improve because it now happens after the main
> Sphinx logic - if the thing you're iterating on is on the .rst pages, you
> can examine it before the copies and link fixes are done (though obviously
> the classic pages may not exist or be current, and the links may still be
> broken, with placeholders in them).
> Am Fr., 14. Jan. 2022 um 22:48 Uhr schrieb Barry Smith <bsmith at petsc.dev>:
>>   Patrick,
>>     Building docs is so much faster now, thanks! But when I get
>> Assuming that the classic docs in
>> /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/doc/_build_classic are current
>> it still does
>> ============================================
>>     Copying classic docs from conf.py
>> ============================================
>> ============================================
>> Copying directory
>> /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/doc/_build_classic/docs/manualpages to
>> /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/doc/_build/html/docs/manualpages
>> ============================================
>> ============================================
>> Copying directory /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/doc/_build_classic/include
>> to /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/doc/_build/html/include
>> ============================================
>> ============================================
>> Copying directory /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/doc/_build_classic/src to
>> /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/doc/_build/html/src
>> ============================================
>> ============================================
>>     Fixing relative links from conf.py
>> ============================================
>> ============================================
>>     Adding version to classic man pages, from conf.py
>> ============================================
>> Would it be possible to rig the dependencies so that the copies and fixes
>> are only done when needed, instead of every time?
>> Thanks
>> Barry
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