[petsc-dev] DMSWARM diffs

Mark Adams mfadams at lbl.gov
Mon Jul 6 19:17:29 CDT 2020

I am getting these diff failures in the pipeline. I am guessing that we
started throwing diffs for integer diffs recently?

DMSwarm seems to pick a different size 'atomic' for different sized

not ok diff-dm_impls_swarm_tutorials-ex1_0 # Error code: 1
# 24c24
# <     [  1]    DMSwarm_rank : Mem. usage       = 4.00e-05 (MB) [rank0]
# ---
# >     [  1]    DMSwarm_rank : Mem. usage       = 8.00e-05 (MB) [rank0]
# 26c26
# <                             atomic size      = 4
# ---
# >                             atomic size      = 8
# 31c31
# <     [  3]  DMSwarm_cellid : Mem. usage       = 4.00e-05 (MB) [rank0]
# ---
# >     [  3]  DMSwarm_cellid : Mem. usage       = 8.00e-05 (MB) [rank0]
# 33c33
# <                             atomic size      = 4
# ---
# >                             atomic size      = 8
# 37c37
# <   Total mem. usage                           = 4.00e-04 (MB)
# ---
# >   Total mem. usage                           = 4.80e-04 (MB)
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