[petsc-dev] Working Group Beginners: Feedback On Layout

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Fri Aug 16 17:23:36 CDT 2019

FYI, the source for this example is here:


(raw) https://bitbucket.org/psanan/sphinx_scratch/raw/a19b48b61e50181e754becb57fc6ff36d7639005/introductory_tutorial_ksp.rst

I'm concerned that the code is copied in rather than referenced from its
original source.  I think you modify to use start-at and end-at to
extract the pieces.

I don't think it's necessary to discuss every part, but it would be
useful to have more prose (perhaps with equations/diagrams) between

I'd like for each function to be clickable, like it is in our current
documentation and in Doxygen.  (We've been chatting about this in
previous discussion, but haven't found a clean solution.)

"Faibussowitsch, Jacob via petsc-dev" <petsc-dev at mcs.anl.gov> writes:

> Hello All PETSC Developers/Users!
> As many of you may or may not know, PETSc recently held an all-hands strategic meeting to chart the medium term course for the group. As part of this meeting a working group was formed to focus on beginner tutorial guides aimed at bringing new users up to speed on how to program basic to intermediate PETSc scripts. We have just completed a first draft of our template for these guides and would like to ask you all for your feedback!  Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated, however please limit your feedback to the general layout and structure. The visual presentation of the web page and content is still all a WIP, and is not necessarily representative of the finished product.
> That being said, in order to keep the project moving forward we will soft-cap feedback collection by the end of next Friday (August 23) so that we can get started on writing the tutorials and integrating them with the rest of the revamped user-guides. Please email me directly at jfaibussowitsch at anl.gov<mailto:jfaibussowitsch at anl.gov> with your comments! Be sure to include specific details and examples of what you like and don’t like with your mail.
> Here is the template:
> http://patricksanan.com/temp/_build/html/introductory_tutorial_ksp.html
> Sincerely,
> Jacob Faibussowitsch

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