[petsc-dev] DMPlex example no longer works in complex

Jose E. Roman jroman at dsic.upv.es
Fri Sep 7 04:42:48 CDT 2018

In SLEPc we have an example (ex34.c, contributed by Fande Kong) that uses DMPlex. In the nightly tests we see a difference that did not ocurr yesterday.

The problem may be caused by the merge of branch tisaac/feature-space-tensor

The difference appears only in complex scalars. To reproduce the problem:

REAL:~/soft/slepc/src/eps/examples/tutorials (master)$ ./ex34 -petscspace_degree 1 -petscspace_poly_tensor
 Solution method: power (nonlinear)

 Number of requested eigenvalues: 1
k: 64.392 error: 6.91725e-07

COMPLEX:~/soft/slepc/src/eps/examples/tutorials (master)$ ./ex34 -petscspace_degree 1 -petscspace_poly_tensor
 Solution method: power (nonlinear)

 Number of requested eigenvalues: 1
k: 165.007 error: 199.037


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