[petsc-dev] style guide

Kokron, Daniel S. (ARC-606.2)[CSRA, LLC] daniel.s.kokron at nasa.gov
Tue Feb 20 10:21:14 CST 2018


I am working with a CFD code that makes heavy use of PETSc.  The case spends most of it's time dealing with 9x9 matrices.  I spent some time adding kernels for dealing with 9x9 matrices under src/mat/impls/baij/seq.  I have also re-written chunks of src/vec/vec/impls/seq/dvec2.c to reduce memory transfer requirements.  Overall, I'm seeing about a 10% speedup for this case.  I'd like to submit these changes for inclusion into a future release.

I have followed style guide excepts that I still have a few chunks of code in several 'include' files located under my src/vec/vec/impls/seq directory.  They currently have names like Case3.c and Case16.c.  Should I just move these to the top level include directory and be done with it or convert them to 'defines' and put them in some other location?

Daniel Kokron
SciCon group
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