[petsc-dev] petsc/master: unable to link in C++ with last night PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB variable changes

Éric Chamberland Eric.Chamberland at giref.ulaval.ca
Sat Feb 10 19:29:28 CST 2018

Le 18-02-10 à 16:48, Jed Brown a écrit :
> That's sad, but is this not avoided by defining OMPI_SKIP_MPICXX before
> including mpi.h?  (There is also MPICH_SKIP_MPICXX if you want.)  This
> is done by default in petscsys.h, but you might not include it in that
> file or don't include it before mpi.h is included.
Ok, didn't knew about this...  I think this is definitely a good 
solution!!! :)

Thanks again!


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