[petsc-dev] transitioning more PETSc tests to new harness before next release

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Sat Oct 7 20:41:39 CDT 2017

Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> writes:

> This seems masochistic. I want to run a test with a different number
> of processes.  So my best option is print out the options, cut & paste
> that soewhere, alter it to what I want, and run? Why would we have

I often want to run in a debugger with a command like

  mpiexec -n 2 xterm -e gdb -ex 'b file.c:123' -ex r --args ./ex12 -some_options

which just seems painful any other way.  But if you want to write that
by remembering a collection of variables through which to pass each
part, I won't stop you.

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