[petsc-dev] proposed minor PetscPartitioner changes

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 05:53:20 CST 2017

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 5:53 AM, Vaclav Hapla <vaclav.hapla at erdw.ethz.ch>

> Thanks for the discussion. I think we got further.
> 8. 11. 2017 v 20:42, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 2:27 PM, Jed Brown <jed at jedbrown.org> wrote:
>> Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> writes:
>> > On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 1:49 PM, Jed Brown <jed at jedbrown.org> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> writes:
>> >>
>> >> >> > No, this is the right structure.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Oh come on.  You're defending a quadratic algorithm.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>       ierr = ParMETIS_V3_PartKway(vtxdist, xadj, adjncy, vwgt,
>> adjwgt,
>> >> >> &wgtflag, &numflag, &ncon, &nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, options,
>> &edgeCut,
>> >> >> assignment, &comm);
>> >> >>       // ...
>> >> >>   for (p = 0, i = 0; p < nparts; ++p) {
>> >> >>     for (v = 0; v < nvtxs; ++v) {
>> >> >>       if (assignment[v] == p) points[i++] = v;
>> >> >>     }
>> >> >>   }
>> >> >>
>> >> >> MatPartitioningApply creates an IS with "assignment" and can be
>> >> >> converted to a global numbering with ISPartitioningToNumbering.  You
>> >> >> could as well have an ISPartitioningToSectionAndIS() that produces
>> your
>> >> >> representation, preferably without this silly quadratic algorithm.
>> >> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > Time it. Tell me if it matters. Telling me it matters in the long
>> run is
>> >> > metaphysics.
> Jed replied exactly what I needed to know - whether there's some easy
> conversion from the natural IS output of MatPartitioningApply into
> IS+PetscSection DMPlexDistribute  needs. He showed there actually is a way,
> and it won't have worse performance (theoretical performance benefit).
> Moreover, what you do now for every PetscPartitioner implementation (all
> those "Convert to PetscSection+IS" blocks) would be done just in one place
> (design benefit). In this context, the request for timing was slightly
> unfair, I think.
> >>
>> >> I realize ParMETIS isn't scalable and that if you have a modest number
>> >> of parts and only a million or so elements per rank, the cost of what
>> >> you do here will be acceptable for most uses.
>> >>
>> >> But you didn't refute my point that ISPartitioningToSectionAndIS can
>> >> produce the representation you want.
>> >
>> >
>> > I do not think its an either or thing. Many equivalent interfaces are
>> > possible,
>> > so I should have told Vaclav "I think this is the right one", but I
>> thought
>> > that
>> > was implicit in me being the responder, and none of us thinking that
>> there
>> > is
>> > a true "right" in interface design.
>> >
>> >
>> >> The IS you're creating is similar
>> >> to the inverse of the Numbering (which is a permutation).  You are the
>> >> one that replaced a scalable algorithm that has existed for a long time
>> >> and uses types correctly with PetscPartitioner which has some ugly
>> >> warts, duplicates a lot of code, and isn't a viable replacement for
>> >> MatPartitioning.
>> >
>> >
>> > 1) MatPartitioning is not a replacement for what I do. According to you,
>> > that
>> > should end the argument right there.
>> >
>> > 2) Deep inside MatPartitioning, it must split things up as I do in
>> order to
>> > pack
>> > stuff to be sent. I think it should be exposed as I have done.
>> Pack what stuff to be sent?  PetscPartitionerPartition() takes the
>> arguments to ParMETIS directly as arrays.  To use MatPartitioning, you
>> pass those same arrays to MatCreateMPIAdj which literally just holds the
>> pointers.  Then MatPartitioningApply passes those on to ParMETIS or
>> whichever partitioning package.  PetscPartitionerPartition_*
>> implementations depends on DM strictly as a way to define the weights.
>> That isn't more general or better; it's more restrictive.
> This sounds like deliberate misunderstanding. We are not talking about the
> input to
> ParMetis, but the output. The biggest shortcoming of ParMetis (and indeed
> all mesh
> partitioners) is that they tell you what must move, but do not move it.
> This is the value
> add of Plex, it moves the mesh (including all connectivity) and the field
> data according
> to the partition. In order to do this communication, you always want the
> partition segmented
> by rank, as it is in the Section/IS output.
> I think we are talking here about both input and output!
> What PetscPartitionerPartition actually does is getting the adjacency
> information from the DM using
> DMPlexCreatePartitionerGraph(DM dm, PetscInt height,
> PetscInt *numVertices, PetscInt **offsets, PetscInt **adjacency, IS *
> globalNumbering)
> and these raw arrays are then passed to
> (*part->ops->partition)(part, dm, size, numVertices, start, adjacency,
> partSection, partition);
> This I don't like from couple of reasons:
> 1) the type-specific function has completely different arguments than the
> interface function - this is slightly non-standard, and if you talk about
> exposing, there should be an interface function with these arguments
> 2) on the other hand you derive IS+PetscSection output from the "raw"
> partitioner output inside each PetscPartitionerPartition_* separately ("Convert
> to PetscSection+IS" blocks)
> 3) so part->ops->partition mixes "raw" inputs and "derived" outputs which
> sounds messy
> I fully agree with Jed (and it seems it's compatible with Barry and
> Lisandro) this should be doable in a clearer way using MatCreateMPIAdj,
> MatPartitioningSetAdjacency, MatPartitioningApply, ISPartitioningToSectionAndIS
> (the latter to be done).
>> I see no reason why PetscPartitioner cannot be implemented as a very
>> small amount of code around MatPartitioning (little more than the
>> interface function).  The opposite would necessarily bring in concepts
>> like DM that are unnecessary when a user is partitioning matrices and
>> graphs.
> I am not arguing that it should not be done. I am saying
>   - I do not want to do it, because the payoff is small
>   - I do not want it to break anything that currently works
>   - I do not want it to break the interface we currently have to
> PetscPartitioner because I think it is genuinely good
> I think the payoff isn't necessarily small. Just imagine how much code
> could be avoided for further maintenance, or if there would be some new
> partitioner we wanted to interface. And I think the code much clearer to
> anyone who wants to learn how it works or even improve something.
> I'm not that afraid about breaking. Grep tells me there's exactly one call
> to PetscPartitionerPartition in whole PETSc - in DMPlexDistribute.
> One thing I always liked on PETSc is a culture of not sticking to status
> quo!
>> > 3) I think you exaggerate the faults of the code for effect. Do what you
>> > must.
>> >
>> >
>> >> And now you seem to be arguing against Vaclav unifying
>> >> it, claiming technical rationale that don't appear to hold up.
>> >
>> >
>> > Of course, I disagree with you, and think you make no attempt to
>> understand
>> > why
>> > someone would write this code, because you never solve the problems its
>> > necessary
>> > for.
> I understand you spent the most time with DMPlex, and it's a masterpiece!
> But it can always be beneficial to take into account a fresh view of
> someone who was not involved before.
> I think I need to create a proof-of-concept. I would start by employing
> MatPartitioning in PetscPartitionerPartition with anything outside of this
> function untouched for now (as already suggested in #192), if you agree.
> Or what about implementing a special temporary PetscPartitioner
> implementation wrapping MatPartitioning?
> PETSCPARTITIONERMATPARTITIONING sounds crazy, though :) But could be a
> good starting point.

This is probably easier, and allows nice regression testing, namely run all
tests using EXTRA_OPTIONS="-petscparitioner_type matpartitioning". I think
that should be alright for correctness. There are some parallel
redistribution tests in Plex.

We will need at least one performance regression. Look at how I do it here:


You can make custom events, directly access the times, and compare. You
could run the two versions
and check for degradation for a sequence of meshes in parallel.



> Thanks
> Vaclav
>> I have written a parallel unstructured FEM that did this sort of
>> partitioning and redistribution on the fly.  I wrote it in terms of
>> MatPartitioning and it worked fine.  I abandoned it because it had
>> screwy dependencies and you had abandoned Sieve to work on
>> DMComplex/DMPlex.  I'm happy to have made that change, but the concepts
>> and requirements are hardly foreign to me.
> Worked fine for you :) It always different with other people.
> >> I don't
>> >> understand why, but it certainly looks like PetscPartitioner can be
>> >> implemented as a thin layer around MatPartitioning, then that layer can
>> >> be refactored into helper functions at the IS/PetscSection level.
>> >
>> >
>> > It might be true. To me, it looked like Mat stuff was draped on so it
>> would
>> > be hard
>> > to pull the raw result out of the partitioner, and that things would get
>> > created (like
>> > the MatMult Scatter) which I did not want.
>> Barry created the MPIADJ representations in 1997 precisely for this
>> purpose.
> Fair.
>   Matt
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
> experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ <http://www.caam.rice.edu/~mk51/>

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ <http://www.caam.rice.edu/~mk51/>
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