[petsc-dev] How to generate doc locally ?

Franck Houssen franck.houssen at inria.fr
Sun Jul 16 08:49:45 CDT 2017

How to generate doc locally ? 

Following, the online doc, I have configured PETSc with: ./configure --download-sowing --download-c2html 

Now, I run: 
>> make alldoc LOC=/path/to/petsc 

I get lots of errors like this along the way (I don't even know that's a cit file !): 
html in: /home/fghoussen/Documents/INRIA/petsc/tutorials 
sed: can't read /home/fghoussen/Documents/INRIA/petsc//docs/manualpages/manualpages.cit: No such file or directory 
/home/fghoussen/Documents/INRIA/petsc/lib/petsc/conf/rules:699: recipe for target 'html' failed 
make[2]: [html] Error 2 (ignored) 

And finally breaks like this: 
Updating generated html files with petsc version, date, canonical URL info 
find: unknown predicate `-o -type f -wholename share/petsc/saws/linearsolveroptions.html -prune -o -type f -wholename tutorials/HandsOnExercise.html -prune -o -type f -wholena 
me tutorials/TAOHandsOnExercise.html -prune' 
Try 'find --help' for more information. 

>> flex --version 
flex 2.6.1 

>> pdflatex --version 
pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/Debian) 
kpathsea version 6.2.3 


PS: running debian, gcc-6.4, petsc-dev 

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