[petsc-dev] Issue with sacusp preconditioner.

Steven Dalton sdalton1 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 08:59:15 CDT 2016


  What version of CUDA is installed? OS?
  Can you send your example file?


On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Das, Rajeev <rajeev.das at cnl.ca> wrote:

> Hi:
> The scenario that I considered involves a structured grid of size 32 x 32
> x 32 (using Pflotran here).  When I used the bcgs solver and the
> preconditioner jacobi, there were no issues, but when the preconditioner
> sacusp was used I received the following error:
> terminate called after throwing an instance of
> 'thrust::system::system_error'
>   what():  function_attributes(): after cudaFuncGetAttributes: an illegal
> memory access was encountered.
> I am attaching the screen shots of my debugger (idb) that will provide
> some detail regarding the source of this error. My Petsc configuration is
> --download-mpich=yes --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran
> --with-shared-libraries=0 --with-debugging=1 --with-valgrind=1
> --download-parmetis=yes --download-metis=yes --download-hypre=yes
> --download-fblaslapack=yes --with-c2html=0 --with-cuda=1 --with-cusp=1
> --with-thrust=1 --with-64-bit-indices=1
> I have to use 64 bit indices, if I avoid it, I receive out of memory
> issues. Machines used are Intel Xeon E5-2620 and Tesla K20c card having the
> compute capability of 3.5. When I reduced the grid size to 16 x 16 x 16 I
> no more receive the above error with sacusp.
> Can you point me what could be the problem here.
> Regards,
> Rajeev Das.
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