[petsc-dev] git repo branches housekeeping
Barry Smith
bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Apr 25 13:24:04 CDT 2016
$ git log v3.7..shri/add-tsevent-to-powergrid-example
fatal: ambiguous argument 'v3.7..shri/add-tsevent-to-powergrid-example': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'
~/Src/petsc (next=)
$ git log v3.7..barry/download-mstk
~/Src/petsc (next=)
> On Apr 25, 2016, at 1:12 PM, Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> What do you have for
> git fetch
> git log v3.7..barry/download-mstk
> got lpg v3.7..shri/add-tsevent-to-powergrid-examples
> Satish
> On Mon, 25 Apr 2016, Barry Smith wrote:
>> warning: not deleting branch 'barry/download-mstk' that is not yet merged to
>> 'refs/remotes/origin/barry/download-mstk', even though it is merged to HEAD.
>> error: The branch 'barry/download-mstk' is not fully merged.
>> If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D barry/download-mstk'.
>> warning: not deleting branch 'shri/add-tsevent-to-powergrid-examples' that is not yet merged to
>> 'refs/remotes/origin/shri/add-tsevent-to-powergrid-examples', even though it is merged to HEAD.
>> error: The branch 'shri/add-tsevent-to-powergrid-examples' is not fully merged.
>> If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D shri/add-tsevent-to-powergrid-examples'.
>>> On Apr 25, 2016, at 12:01 PM, Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>> ref: http://lists.mcs.anl.gov/pipermail/petsc-dev/2015-June/017808.html
>>> I've deleted all deveopment branches that are already merged into
>>> maint (v3.7) from https://bitbucket.org/petsc/petsc
>>> However if you wish to remove these branches from your clone - it has
>>> to be done manually (in each clone).
>>> To get this list of branches to delete - you can do:
>>> git branch --merged v3.7 |egrep -v " (maint|master|next)" > branches_to_delete
>>> After *verifying* the list is correct - and ok to delete - they can be deleted with:
>>> git branch -d `cat branches_to_delete`
>>> And to sync the [deleted] remove branch list info - you can do:
>>> git fetch -p
>>> For more housekeeping - look at the remaining local and remote
>>> branches and figure-out what to do. [perhaps some of them are
>>> intermediate branches during rebase - or abandoned features that
>>> should be deleted]. For my branches - I would do:
>>> git branch
>>> git branch -r |grep balay
>>> Satish
>>> ----------------
>>> reference for self:
>>> $ git branch -r --merged v3.7 |egrep -v origin/\(maint\|master\|next\) |sed -e s%origin/%:% > remote_branches_to_delete
>>> $ git push -u origin `cat remote_branches_to_delete`
>>> To git at bitbucket.org:petsc/petsc.git
>>> - [deleted] Fande-Kong/moved-partitioning-to-pcgasmsetup
>>> - [deleted] balay-to-maint-fix-vs2015-vsnprintf
>>> - [deleted] balay/add-KSPComputeRitz-patch
>>> - [deleted] balay/add-clang-sa-build
>>> - [deleted] balay/add-fortran-DMRemoveLabel
>>> - [deleted] balay/configure-pkg-git-autoupdate
>>> - [deleted] balay/el-parmetis-check
>>> - [deleted] balay/el_AxpyInterface_removal
>>> - [deleted] balay/fix-externalpackage-build-shared
>>> - [deleted] balay/fix-fortran-unused_variables
>>> - [deleted] balay/fix-sowing-valgrind
>>> - [deleted] balay/fix-streams-npmax
>>> - [deleted] balay/fix-win-isnan
>>> - [deleted] balay/ftn-command_argument
>>> - [deleted] balay/git-externalpackage-update
>>> - [deleted] balay/improve-odpes
>>> - [deleted] balay/rm-tree
>>> - [deleted] balay/superlu_dist-4.3
>>> - [deleted] balay/superlu_dist-4.3-p1
>>> - [deleted] balay/to-maint-add-mpiuni_mpi_in_place
>>> - [deleted] balay/to-maint-add-urlretrieve-timeout
>>> - [deleted] balay/to-maint-fix-fortran-fflag-order
>>> - [deleted] balay/to-maint-fix-gfortran51-warnings
>>> - [deleted] balay/to-maint-fix-win64-long
>>> - [deleted] balay/to-maint-metis-parmetis-nocxx
>>> - [deleted] balay/to-maint-migrate-builds
>>> - [deleted] balay/to-maint/update-superlu_dist-4.1
>>> - [deleted] balay/update-elemental-0.86-pre
>>> - [deleted] balay/update-gmake-check
>>> - [deleted] balay/update-gnumake-41
>>> - [deleted] balay/update-metis-xcode-fix-to-maint
>>> - [deleted] balay/update-mpich-3.2
>>> - [deleted] balay/update-sowing-svn
>>> - [deleted] balay/update-superlu_dist_mar-16-294e2d0
>>> - [deleted] barry-allow-vecset-nan-3.6
>>> - [deleted] barry/Sylvain-gmres-symmetric
>>> - [deleted] barry/add-concurrencykit
>>> - [deleted] barry/add-dmdavecgetarrayreadf90/maint
>>> - [deleted] barry/add-dmshellcreaterestriction
>>> - [deleted] barry/add-mpiu_allreduce
>>> - [deleted] barry/add-pcfieldsplit-logevent
>>> - [deleted] barry/add-pcreset-hypre
>>> - [deleted] barry/add-pcreset-hypre-for-master
>>> - [deleted] barry/all-petscoptionssetvalue-beforepetscinitialize
>>> - [deleted] barry/always-mark-floats
>>> - [deleted] barry/better-matsetoption-error
>>> - [deleted] barry/check-for-PetscInt-overflow
>>> - [deleted] barry/check-nullspace-properties
>>> - [deleted] barry/cleanup-pcsetupcalled
>>> - [deleted] barry/cleanup-petscsys
>>> - [deleted] barry/download-mstk
>>> - [deleted] barry/download-pflowtran
>>> - [deleted] barry/downloads
>>> - [deleted] barry/error-on-extern-c-of-petscincludes
>>> - [deleted] barry/feature-force-setting-exactfinaltime
>>> - [deleted] barry/feature-linesearch-monitor
>>> - [deleted] barry/feature-ts-monitor-binary
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-dmnetworkcomponentalignment
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-log-summary-format
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-matgetlocalsubmatrix
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-matheaderreplace
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-matseqaijgetarrayf90
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-mg-coarse-ksp-defaults
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-mg-coarse-redundant
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-mpiuni
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-mumps-destroy
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-nonew-notcollective/maint
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-petscviewer-attempt-2
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-private-functions
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-stageevent-idtypes
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-ts-matshift-error
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-win-e-00
>>> - [deleted] barry/fix-xsdktrilinos
>>> - [deleted] barry/fixes-for-release-1
>>> - [deleted] barry/improve-git-download
>>> - [deleted] barry/improve-minres
>>> - [deleted] barry/improve-opt-handling
>>> - [deleted] barry/improve-ts-monitor-interpolation
>>> - [deleted] barry/list-downloads
>>> - [deleted] barry/maint/fix-snessetupdate-fortran
>>> - [deleted] barry/maint/mv-matnullspace-to-mat
>>> - [deleted] barry/make-nonstatic-petscviewerflowcontrol
>>> - [deleted] barry/master/fix-cuda-extern-c
>>> - [deleted] barry/monitor-fromoptions
>>> - [deleted] barry/not-single-precision
>>> - [deleted] barry/optimize-xolotl
>>> - [deleted] barry/petscoptions-object
>>> - [deleted] barry/remove-matmffdaddnullspace/master
>>> - [deleted] barry/remove-pc-nonzero-guess
>>> - [deleted] barry/remove-pcsetup-mg-changeofpreonly/master
>>> - [deleted] barry/remove-unneed-tao-tolerances
>>> - [deleted] barry/shell-update-vector-states
>>> - [deleted] barry/simplify-test-jobs
>>> - [deleted] barry/update-hypre
>>> - [deleted] barry/update-monitors
>>> - [deleted] barry/update-petscmemoryshowusage
>>> - [deleted] barry/update-superlu
>>> - [deleted] barry/update-superlu_dist
>>> - [deleted] barry/update-superlu_dist-again
>>> - [deleted] barry/various-fixes
>>> - [deleted] barry/xml-nested-logging
>>> - [deleted] dalcinl/ts-2nd-order-systems
>>> - [deleted] dalcinl/tsbdf
>>> - [deleted] dmay/PetscSubcommDestroy-manpage
>>> - [deleted] emil/doc-add-error-control
>>> - [deleted] emil/fix-arkimex-diverged-reason
>>> - [deleted] emil/fix-manual-typos-in-ts
>>> - [deleted] emil/fix-ts-euler-generate-error-if-non-rhsfunction
>>> - [deleted] emil/to-maint-fix-euler-interpolation
>>> - [deleted] emil/to-maint-fix-ts-reporting-nonembedded
>>> - [deleted] hongzh/add-checkpointing-support-for-adaptive-ts
>>> - [deleted] hongzh/add-ts-trajectory-statistics
>>> - [deleted] hongzh/checkpointing
>>> - [deleted] hongzh/checkpointing-update
>>> - [deleted] hongzh/fix-bug-for-cost-integral
>>> - [deleted] hongzh/update-revolve
>>> - [deleted] hongzh/update-ts-trajectory
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/dmnetwork-spJacobian
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/dmnetwork-spJacobian1
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/dmnetwork-spJacobian2
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/dmnetworkmonitor
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/fix-pcredundant
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/fix-ptapfill
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/fix-superlu_dist
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/inode-erroriffpe
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/matconvert-den2el
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/matgetsubmat_sbaij1
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/matmatmult_crmax
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/matmatmult_dense
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/matpackage-erroriffpe
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/matpackage-type
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/mattransmatmult_dense
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/mumps-getseterrorflg
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/opt-ptap
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/superlu-5.1
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/superlu_dist-4.3-ex17
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/update-networkex
>>> - [deleted] hzhang/update-networkex-header
>>> - [deleted] jed/dmdarestoreelements-strict
>>> - [deleted] jed/fix-cuda-deps
>>> - [deleted] jed/fix-ksp-norm-none
>>> - [deleted] jed/fix-ml-visibility
>>> - [deleted] jed/mat-assembly-perf
>>> - [deleted] jed/process-options-handler
>>> - [deleted] jed/workaround-mpich-naughty-ibarrier
>>> - [deleted] jose/veccuda-complex
>>> - [deleted] karlrupp/feature-ViennaCL-1.7.x
>>> - [deleted] karlrupp/fix-matrixmarket-viewer
>>> - [deleted] karlrupp/fix-petscinitialize-cuda
>>> - [deleted] karpeev/fix-pcgasm-reuse
>>> - [deleted] karpeev/fix-snes-test-docs
>>> - [deleted] karpeev/maint-fix-gnupackage-ldflags
>>> - [deleted] knepley/dm-fix-header-docs
>>> - [deleted] knepley/doc-snes-ex1
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-dmda-add-accessors
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-drand48-portable
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-ds-copy
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-ex5-mms
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-ex5-mms-params
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-label-empty-stratum
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-mpfr
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-patrick-control-problem
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-plex-add-time
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-plex-handle-func-failure
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-plex-jacp
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-plex-ordering-group
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-plex-point-location
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-snes-deflation
>>> - [deleted] knepley/feature-snes-setfunctionnorm
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-configure-HOME
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-configure-compiler-log
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-configure-dirs
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-configure-logging
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-configure-ml
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-configure-relative-installdir
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-configure-saving
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-dm-clone-coord-section
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-dm-clone-coordinates
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-dt-tanhsinh
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-error-messages
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-ex5-coords-empty
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-ex5-patchwise
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-examples-plex
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-is-fortran
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-msm-opt
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-pc-composite-dm
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-pc-msm
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-blocksize
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-c89
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-create-fortran
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-distribute-label
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-e12-3d
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-ex1f90
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-examples
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-general-interp
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-hdf5-label
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-l2diff
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-natural-mem
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-point-location
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-pragmatic-marking
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-regression
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-plex-test-partitions
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-quadrature-test
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-seterrq-doc
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-snes-ex5-mms
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-snesqn-fortran
>>> - [deleted] knepley/fix-solkx
>>> - [deleted] knepley/plex-filter
>>> - [deleted] knepley/remove-pbgl
>>> - [deleted] knepley/snes-ex5-mms
>>> - [deleted] knepley/test-asm-empty-subdomain
>>> - [deleted] mark/eigen-rand
>>> - [deleted] mark/gamg-crs
>>> - [deleted] mark/gamg-rand
>>> - [deleted] mesgarnejad/feature-plex-globaltonatural
>>> - [deleted] mlange/fix-plex-fluent-reader
>>> - [deleted] mlange/fix-plex-multi-level-overlap
>>> - [deleted] pefarrell/tao-set-riesz-map
>>> - [deleted] pr263/PierreBdR/ts-domain-error-in-stage/master
>>> - [deleted] pr330/knepley/dmshell-set-create-subdm/master
>>> - [deleted] pr332/master/Fande-Kong/mat-increaseoverlap-scalable
>>> - [deleted] pr345/anriseth/anriseth/ngmres-reset-xm-increase/master
>>> - [deleted] pr349/mapdes/extend_hypre_boomeramg_interface/master
>>> - [deleted] pr352/dmay/pctelescope/master
>>> - [deleted] pr353/dmeiser/fix-ex2_bjacobi-update/master
>>> - [deleted] pr353/dmeiser/fix-ex2_bjacobi/master
>>> - [deleted] pr358/buptphyphy/addmatcreatenormalhermitian/master
>>> - [deleted] pr361/master/Fande-Kong/pcgasm-increaseoverlap
>>> - [deleted] pr369/Fande-Kong/fixed-comment-space/master
>>> - [deleted] pr372/vijaysm/vijaysm/moab_ts_examples_fix/master
>>> - [deleted] pr380/semihozmen/semihozmen/ksp-eigen-comp-bugfix/master
>>> - [deleted] pr384/Fande-Kong/fix-pcgasm-reuse/master
>>> - [deleted] pr388/mapdes/fix-petscsf-create-section-sf/master
>>> - [deleted] pr391/zianekhodja/lilia/tsirm/master
>>> - [deleted] pr394/stevengcj/blassuffix/master
>>> - [deleted] pr395/dmeiser/fix-veccuspgetarraywrite/master
>>> - [deleted] pr401/tferma/virs-pcfieldsplit-fix/master
>>> - [deleted] pr403/pascgeopc/psanan/ksp-pipe-flex/master
>>> - [deleted] pr404/tferma/virs-divergedlinearsolve-fix-rebase/master
>>> - [deleted] pr408/psanan/psanan/pc-bddc-view/master
>>> - [deleted] pr412/psanan/psanan/ksp-cg-separate-singlereduction/master
>>> - [deleted] pr413/scools/siegfriedcools/pipecgrr/master
>>> - [deleted] pr417/adam_qc/fix-tao-ls-view-typo/master
>>> - [deleted] pr421/alex/feature-veccuda
>>> - [deleted] pr426/dmay/dmay/pctelescope-mods/master
>>> - [deleted] pr428/bug-fixes-for-viennaclseqaij
>>> - [deleted] psanan/benchmarks-cleanup
>>> - [deleted] psanan/ksp-fgmres-reduce-alloc
>>> - [deleted] sanderarens/fix-plex-neumann-bc
>>> - [deleted] sarich/check-fcflags-fflags
>>> - [deleted] sarich/feature-tao-pounders-add-correlations
>>> - [deleted] sarich/fix-tao-man-objgrad
>>> - [deleted] sarich/fix-vec-stepbound
>>> - [deleted] sarich/fix-xsdk-packages
>>> - [deleted] sarich/jenkins
>>> - [deleted] shri/add-tsevent-to-powergrid-examples
>>> - [deleted] stefano_zampini/enable-matcreatevecs-without-preallocation
>>> - [deleted] stefano_zampini/feature-fetidp-classes
>>> - [deleted] stefano_zampini/feature-pardiso-schur
>>> - [deleted] stefano_zampini/feature-ptap-seqdense
>>> - [deleted] stefano_zampini/feature-zerorowscolumns-seqdense
>>> - [deleted] stefano_zampini/fix-for-release
>>> - [deleted] stefano_zampini/fix-static-analyzer
>>> - [deleted] stefano_zampini/matis-feature-localtoglobalmap-handling
>>> - [deleted] stefano_zampini/matis-fix-create
>>> - [deleted] stefano_zampini/somefixes-matdense-lda
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/buildCheck-ignore-vc-moaning
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/buildsystem-fix-pic
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/dm-label-promote
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/dm-locate-points-sf
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/dmforest
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/dmp4est-feature-injection
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/dmplex-stable-tet-refinement
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/dt-fix-geom-punning
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/fix-static-analysis-warnings
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/plex-feature-tree-fv
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/plex-fix-ex3-const
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/plex-fix-ex3-failure-message
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/plex-fix-single-prec
>>> - [deleted] tisaac/sf-fix-multi-sf-leaves
>>> - [deleted] tomklotz/feature-tanh-sinh-quadrature
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