[petsc-dev] problems with shared libraries and pragmatic.py

Sean Farley sean at farley.io
Thu Oct 15 16:21:44 CDT 2015

Jed Brown <jed at jedbrown.org> writes:

> Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> writes:
>>> What is lib pragmatic?
>>    I have no idea, but it is in PETSc so needs to be tested or deleted.
> Wow, those Imperial guys sure have a way with language.
>   PRAgMaTIc (Parallel anisotRopic Adaptive Mesh ToolkIt)
> https://github.com/meshadaptation/pragmatic
>>>  Can you include the verbose link line for
>>> libpetsc.dylib?  (Delete it and "make V=1".)
>> $ make V=1 gnumake
>> Building PETSc using GNU Make with 7 build threads
> I don't see anything weird here.  It seems exactly analogous to
> libparmetis.dylib, but something (evidently not in the link line) is
> causing it to be treated differently.  Secret Apple "feature"?
>> BTW: pragmatic is built with cmake, could that be messing it up somehow?
> Conceivably, if it is somehow linked in a different way from
> libparmetis.dylib.

If parmetis is still using my hacked up cmake patches, then I had to
manually set cmake to use install_name_tool.

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