[petsc-dev] Seeking OLCF users complaining about poor build times

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Feb 26 17:22:34 CST 2015


    Thanks,  unfortunately since this number is so good this means you need to run another test with master and all packages on mira. (by my reckoning the Metis, hypre and superlu_dist all support parallel builds so should be much faster with master)

    Maybe mira is not such a bad compile server after all.


> On Feb 26, 2015, at 5:14 PM, Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> Here is a comparision of PETSc-only build [without any externalpackage builds] on Mira
> logs attached.
> Satish
> --------
> mira.alcf - without externalpackages
> --------
> [balay at miralac1 petsc.maint.35]$ time ./reconfigure-arch-time-test-nopkg.py
> real    6m57.989s
> user    3m3.418s
> sys     3m28.630s
> [balay at miralac1 petsc.maint.35]$ time    make PETSC_DIR=/gpfs/mira-home/balay/petsc.maint.35 PETSC_ARCH=arch-time-test-nopkg all
> real    1m37.266s
> user    22m21.087s
> sys     7m32.159s
> [balay at miralac1 petsc.maint.35]$ uptime
> 22:55:09 up 10 days,  3:19, 82 users,  load average: 3.21, 4.65, 4.65
> --------
> [balay at miralac1 petsc.maint.35]$ cat reconfigure-arch-time-test-nopkg.py 
> #!/usr/bin/python
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>  import sys
>  import os
>  sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('config'))
>  import configure
>  configure_options = [
>    '--with-blas-lapack-lib=-L/soft/libraries/alcf/current/xl/LAPACK/lib -llapack -L/soft/libraries/alcf/current/xl/BLAS/lib -lblas',
>    '--with-c2html=0',
>    '--with-cc=mpixlc_r',
>    '--with-cxx=mpixlcxx_r',
>    '--with-debugging=0',
>    '--with-fc=mpixlf77_r -qnosave',
>    '--with-shared-libraries=0',
>    '--with-x=0',
>    '-COPTFLAGS= -O3 -qhot=level=0 -qsimd=auto -qmaxmem=-1 -qstrict -qstrict_induction',
>    '-CXXOPTFLAGS= -O3 -qhot=level=0 -qsimd=auto -qmaxmem=-1 -qstrict -qstrict_induction',
>    '-FOPTFLAGS= -O3 -qhot=level=0 -qsimd=auto -qmaxmem=-1 -qstrict -qstrict_induction',
>    'PETSC_ARCH=arch-time-test-nopkg',
>  ]
>  configure.petsc_configure(configure_options)
> [balay at miralac1 petsc.maint.35]$ 
> On Thu, 26 Feb 2015, Satish Balay wrote:
>> Attaching logs.
>> Note: 'uptime' is run a bit after the builds completed..
>> Satish
>> --------------
>> mira.alcf build: MAKE_NP = 32
>> --------------
>> [balay at miralac1 petsc.maint.35]$ time ./reconfigure-arch-time-test.py
>> <snip>
>> real    25m57.240s
>> user    17m33.944s
>> sys     6m41.065s
>> [balay at miralac1 petsc.maint.35]$ time    make PETSC_DIR=/gpfs/mira-home/balay/petsc.maint.35 PETSC_ARCH=arch-time-test all
>> <snip>
>> real    1m39.067s
>> user    22m56.248s
>> sys     7m42.658s
>> [balay at miralac1 petsc.maint.35]$ uptime
>> 21:50:08 up 10 days,  2:14, 87 users,  load average: 3.86, 5.02, 5.03
>> --------------
>> Laptop build: MAKE_NP = 4
>> --------------
>> $ time ./configure --download-hypre --download-metis --download-parmetis --download-superlu_dist --download-fblaslapack --with-debugging=0 --with-c2html=0 PETSC_ARCH=arch-test COPTFLAGS="-O3 -fast" FOPTFLAGS="-O3 -fast" CXXOPTFLAGS="-O3 -fast"
>> <snip>
>> real    3m56.755s
>> user    2m47.458s
>> sys     0m57.206s
>> $ time    make PETSC_DIR=/home/balay/petsc PETSC_ARCH=arch-test all
>> <snip>
>> real    1m13.519s
>> user    3m40.708s
>> sys     0m47.002s
>> $ uptime
>> 15:50:32 up 3 days,  5:20, 11 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.30, 0.49
>> --------------
>> [balay at miralac1 petsc.maint.35]$ cat reconfigure-arch-time-test.py 
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>  import sys
>>  import os
>>  sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('config'))
>>  import configure
>>  configure_options = [
>>    '--download-hypre=1',
>>    '--download-metis=1',
>>    '--download-parmetis=1',
>>    '--download-superlu_dist=1',
>>    #'--with-blas-lapack-lib=-L/soft/libraries/alcf/current/xl/LAPACK/lib -llapack -L/soft/libraries/alcf/current/xl/BLAS/lib -lblas',
>>    '--download-fblaslapack=1',
>>    '--with-c2html=0',
>>    '--with-cc=mpixlc_r',
>>    '--with-cxx=mpixlcxx_r',
>>    '--with-debugging=0',
>>    '--with-fc=mpixlf77_r -qnosave',
>>    '--with-shared-libraries=0',
>>    '--with-x=0',
>>    '-COPTFLAGS= -O3 -qhot=level=0 -qsimd=auto -qmaxmem=-1 -qstrict -qstrict_induction',
>>    '-CXXOPTFLAGS= -O3 -qhot=level=0 -qsimd=auto -qmaxmem=-1 -qstrict -qstrict_induction',
>>    '-FOPTFLAGS= -O3 -qhot=level=0 -qsimd=auto -qmaxmem=-1 -qstrict -qstrict_induction',
>>    'PETSC_ARCH=arch-time-test',
>>  ]
>>  configure.petsc_configure(configure_options)
>>>>>> On Feb 26, 2015, at 8:13 AM, Nathan Collier <nathaniel.collier at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Ok, so I built PETSc with metis, parmetis, superlu_dist, and hyper on
>>>>> Titan. The configure time is the second configure--when you run the
>>>>> reconfigure script that the batch submission generates for you.
>>>>>> configure:  38m15.488s
>>>>>> make: 15m37.610s
> <configure_mira_nopkg.log.gz><make_mira_nopkg.log.gz>

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