[petsc-dev] [GPU] Crash on ex19 with mpirun -np 2 (optimized build)

Projet_TRIOU triou at cea.fr
Tue Jan 14 08:42:24 CST 2014

Hi all,

I try running in parallel the ex19 test case on CPU and GPU:

option="-pc_type none -ksp_type fgmres -snes_monitor_short -snes_rtol 
1.e-5 -log_summary -ksp_view -cuda_show_devices"
mpirun -np 2 $dir/ex19 $option 1>cpu$OPT.log 2>&1
mpirun -np 2 $dir/ex19 -dm_vec_type cusp -dm_mat_type aijcusp $option 
1>gpu$OPT.log 2>&1

With OPT="", PETSc optimized library is used, parallel calculation runs 
well on CPU and GPU.
With OPT="_opt", PETSc non optimized library is used, parallel 
calculation crashes on GPU (it is OK on CPU).

I join the log files. The only difference seems that PETSc-dev is built 
with -O3 intead of -g...
I could try to rebuild PETSc with -O2 but do you have any idea of the 
problem ?



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