[petsc-dev] DMPlexCreateSection from fortran

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 13:43:42 CDT 2014

On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 7:01 PM, Adrian Croucher <a.croucher at auckland.ac.nz>

> hi
> I'm getting a compile-time error when calling DMPlexCreateSection() from
> fortran. The error is:
>        num_bc, pbc_field, pbc_pointIS, section, ierr); if (ierr .ne. 0)
> call MP
>                                                 1
> Error: Type mismatch in argument 'section' at (1); passed INTEGER(4) to
> The code is below. (I'm not sure if there is a simpler way to do this that
> doesn't require all those extra pointer variables.) I based it on the C
> code in SNES ex12.
> Is my code wrong or could it be a bug? I'm using the 'next' branch of
> PETSc.

In 'next' I have changed the signature:


You can just put in a PETSC_NULL_OBJECT for it, as in DMPlex test ex1f90.

I am starting to move away from calling this directly, as in ex12.



> Cheers, Adrian
> ------------------------------------------------------
> subroutine setup_dm_section(dm)
>   ! Sets up section on dm.
>   implicit none
> #include <finclude/petsc.h90>
>   DM, intent(in out) :: dm
>   ! Locals:
>   PetscInt, parameter :: dim = 3, num_fields = 1
>   PetscInt, target :: num_comp(1) = [1], num_dof(3) = [0,0,1]
>   PetscInt, pointer :: pnum_comp(:), pnum_dof(:)
>   PetscInt, parameter :: num_bc = 0
>   PetscInt, target :: bc_field(1) = [0]
>   PetscInt, pointer :: pbc_field(:)
>   IS, target :: bc_pointIS(1)
>   IS, pointer :: pbc_pointIS(:)
>   PetscSection :: section
>   PetscErrorCode :: ierr
>   pnum_comp => num_comp; pnum_dof => num_dof
>   pbc_field => bc_field; pbc_pointIS => bc_pointIS
>   call DMPlexCreateSection(dm, dim, num_fields, pnum_comp, pnum_dof, &
>        num_bc, pbc_field, pbc_pointIS, section, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>   call PetscSectionSetFieldName(section, 0, "y", ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>   call PetscSectionSetUp(section, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>   call DMSetDefaultSection(dm, section); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>   call PetscSectionDestroy(section, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
> end subroutine setup_dm_section
> --
> Dr Adrian Croucher
> Senior Research Fellow
> Department of Engineering Science
> University of Auckland, New Zealand
> email: a.croucher at auckland.ac.nz
> tel: +64 (0)9 923 4611

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
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