[petsc-dev] Join A and B seq matrices of a mpi matrix.
Barry Smith
bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Sep 17 20:47:43 CDT 2013
Don't worry about the extra memory of the copy; LU factorizations take much more space than the original matrix so this "duplicate" matrix is no big deal. At least to start, later if profiling shows it is a problem you could create a new matrix class that is already "joined" and feed that directly to cpardiso.
On Sep 17, 2013, at 5:35 PM, Jose David Bermeol <jbermeol at purdue.edu> wrote:
> Hi, right now I'm coding a solver for MATMPIAIJ matrices, as you know this kind of matrix has a diagonal matrix A of size n x n and a matrix B with the off-diagonal matrices of size n x (N - n). The problem is that my solver for each MPI process receive 3 arrays that represents the rows in the MPI process(aij format), that means the complete n x N matrix.
> What I did was a join of the A and B matrix, however this implies almost to duplicate everything in memory.
> I don't know if you know a better strategy for this(less memory overhead). Thanks
> Here is my code if you see something that can be improve:
> /*
> * MATMPIAIJ matrices are divided in two matrices,
> * diagonal matrix(A) and off-diagonal matrix(B),
> * both in aij format, as cpardiso only recives one matrix,
> * this method will join A and B matrix in one, return aij
> * representation and number of non-zero elements.
> *
> * This method will copy(duplicate) A and B elements in a new matrix.
> *
> * Input:
> * - Mat A: MATMPIAIJ matrix
> * - int shift: matrix index.(cpardiso requires fortan indexing)
> * - 0 for c representation
> * - 1 for fortran representation
> * - MatReuse reuse:
> * - MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX: Create a new aij representation
> * - MAT_REUSE_MATRIX: Reuse all aij representation and just change values
> * Output:
> * - int *nnz: Number of nonzero-elements.
> * - int **r pointer to i index
> * - int **c pointer to j elements
> * - PetscScalar **v: Non-zero elements
> */
> #undef __FUNCT__
> #define __FUNCT__ "MatJoin_CPARDISO"
> PetscErrorCode MatJoin_CPARDISO(Mat A, int shift, MatReuse reuse, int *nnz, int **r, int **c, PetscScalar **v){
> const PetscInt *ai, *aj, *bi, *bj, *garray, m=A->rmap->n, *ajj, *bjj;
> PetscErrorCode ierr;
> PetscInt rstart, nz, i, jj, countA, countB, idxA, idxB;
> PetscInt *row,*col;
> const PetscScalar *av, *bv,*v1,*v2;
> PetscScalar *val;
> Mat_MPIAIJ *mat = (Mat_MPIAIJ*)A->data;
> Mat_SeqAIJ *aa = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)(mat->A)->data;
> Mat_SeqAIJ *bb = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)(mat->B)->data;
> PetscFunctionBegin;
> ai=aa->i; aj=aa->j; bi=bb->i; bj=bb->j; rstart= A->rmap->rstart;
> av=aa->a; bv=bb->a;
> garray = mat->garray;
> if (reuse == MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX) {
> nz = aa->nz + bb->nz;
> *nnz = nz;
> ierr = PetscMalloc(((nz + m + 1)*sizeof(PetscInt) + nz*sizeof(PetscScalar)), &row);CHKERRQ(ierr);
> col = row + m + 1;
> val = (PetscScalar*)(col + nz);
> *r = row; *c = col; *v = val;
> } else {
> row = *r; col = *c; val = *v;
> }
> jj = 0;
> for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
> countA = ai[i+1] - ai[i];
> countB = bi[i+1] - bi[i];
> ajj = aj + ai[i];
> bjj = bj + bi[i];
> v1 = av + ai[i];
> v2 = bv + bi[i];
> if(reuse == MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX){
> row[i] = jj + shift;
> }
> idxA = 0; idxB = 0;
> if(countA + countB == 0){
> } else if(countB == 0){
> for (idxA = 0; idxA < countA; idxA++) {
> if(reuse == MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX){
> col[jj] = rstart + ajj[idxA] + shift;
> }
> val[jj] = v1[idxA];
> jj++;
> }
> } else if(countA == 0){
> for (idxB = 0; idxB < countB; idxB++) {
> if(reuse == MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX){
> col[jj] = garray[bjj[idxB]] + shift;
> }
> val[jj] = v2[idxB];
> jj++;
> }
> } else {
> while(rstart + ajj[idxA] > garray[bjj[idxB]]){
> if(reuse == MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX){
> col[jj] = garray[bjj[idxB]] + shift;
> }
> val[jj] = v2[idxB];
> idxB++;
> jj++;
> }
> for (idxA = 0; idxA < countA; idxA++) {
> if(reuse == MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX){
> col[jj] = rstart + ajj[idxA] + shift;
> }
> val[jj] = v1[idxA];
> jj++;
> }
> for (; idxB < countB; idxB++) {
> if(reuse == MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX){
> col[jj] = garray[bjj[idxB]] + shift;
> }
> val[jj] = v2[idxB];
> jj++;
> }
> }
> }
> if(reuse == MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX){
> row[m] = jj + shift;
> }
> PetscFunctionReturn(0);
> }
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