[petsc-dev] patch for BiCG on GPUs.
Paul Mullowney
paulm at txcorp.com
Tue Jan 1 14:20:12 CST 2013
Here's a patch for running BiCG on GPUs (with ILU(0)) preconditioners on
GPUs for the aijcusparse.cu class. I needed to add
(1) a VecConjugate implementation in veccusp.cu
(2) various methods in aijcusparse.cu for building the transpose
matrices for MatSolveTranspose* methods. The implementation of the
solves is done under the hood in the txpetscgpu library.
Everything builds and runs fine on my end. Let me know if this ok to push.
Also, do patches like this go to petsc-maint or petsc-dev?
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