[petsc-dev] Building PETSC (in Cygwin) with Parmetis

Chen S chensp2602 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 08:01:38 CST 2012


I'm using cygwin to build and configure PETSC , with Parmetis.
the problem is I can't find a configure command which works for me.
I have built Parmetis and Metis (and got parmetis.lib and metis.lib) , but
then everytime I tried to configure PETSC
(with Parmetis) it didn't work.
I've tried a lot of variations of the following commands:

but none of them worked, I always got errors which said "metis/parmetis ...
did not work"
(without Parmetis, the configure command works and I can build PETSC)

do you have any idea which configure command will work for me?

Thank you,
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