[petsc-dev] Cross compile with .c and .cu files

Daniel Lowell redratio1 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 16:19:32 CDT 2012

Hi all,

I'm building a matrix type with two separate files dai.c and diakerns.cu.
If I "make all" in the PETSc root dir, it will be unable to find the object
file from the .cu file; i.e., I get this:

/usr/bin/ar: diakerns.o: No such file or directory

However if I merely do a "make lib" inside the matrix type directory I have
no problem. This has happened to other types I've create, I end up just
shoving everything into one large .cu file to quickly deal with it.
Here what the folder level makefile looks like:

SOURCECU = diakerns.cu
SOURCEC  = dia.c
SOURCEH  = dia.h
OBJSC    = dia.o diakerns.o
OBJSF    =
LIBBASE  = libpetscmat
DIRS     =
MANSEC   = Mat
LOCDIR   = src/mat/impls/dia/seq/

This is what my configuration script for petsc root looks like:

./config/configure.py $MPI_DIR $LAD $CUD \
--with-debugging=1 \
--with-cudac="nvcc -m64 -g -G -v" \
--with-precision=double \
--with-clanguage=c \
--with-cuda-arch=sm_20 \

Daniel Lowell
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