[petsc-dev] Recommended Petsc Build Procedure

Dave Nystrom Dave.Nystrom at tachyonlogic.com
Sun Apr 22 10:14:12 CDT 2012

Matthew Knepley writes:
 > On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Dave Nystrom <Dave.Nystrom at tachyonlogic.com> wrote:
 > > At the end of configure.log, there are two possible ways to build petsc-dev
 > > that are specified.  Which is the recommended way to build - using make or
 > > using python?  I have been using make.
 > >
 > > Also, one is labeled as legacy and one is labeled as experimental.  That
 > > gives the impression of having a choice between an old, archaic method or a
 > > new, experimental approach.  Should one just be labeled as production?
 > You do not have CMake, and thus did not get the "production" printout.

% which cmake

% cmake --version
cmake version 2.8.6

I also used the "--download-cmake=yes" for petsc configure and I see that
petsc did build cmake.

 > The make is indeed legacy, but just as fast as CMake (Aron), as I believe
 > the Python is as well.  The Python is experimental, but I have been using
 > it for a year and it works fine.
 > Matt

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