[petsc-dev] single-precision sdot_ in OS X Lion.

Lisandro Dalcin dalcinl at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 14:00:36 CDT 2012

It seems that BLAS sdot_ in OX X Lion actually returns "double"
instead of "float". I'm using the attached patch with success. Of
course, it would need a proper configure test that I'm not in position
to provide but Matt volunteered to write. Can any of you (Sean?)
running Lion try to reproduce the issue using configure
--with-precision=single && make all && make test , and then try my

Lisandro Dalcin
Predio CONICET-Santa Fe
Colectora RN 168 Km 472, Paraje El Pozo
3000 Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel: +54-342-4511594 (ext 1011)
Tel/Fax: +54-342-4511169
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