[petsc-dev] Should -pc_type mg be a linear preconditioner by default?

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Oct 25 20:43:08 CDT 2011

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 19:51, Mark F. Adams <mark.adams at columbia.edu>wrote:

> But SOR has a damping coefficient, so are you really doing G-S (ie, SOR
> with \omega = 1.0)?

Our SOR is G-S unless you set a non-default damping parameter (the default
is omega=1).

> And is this true G-S?  MATAIJ does not have a parallel G-S but I'm guessing
> you are using DM here ...

No, it is additive between subdomains.

> Does pure G-S not work well for this problem?  that is does cheb help?

I see qualitatively the same thing in serial, so Cheb is definitely helping
relative to pure G-S.

> I've seen lots of people use G-S for lid driven cavities (not to imply that
> it will work for you), but maybe they damp them and don't make a big deal of
> it.

Probably depends on the parameter range. Cheb seems much less sensitive to
the lower estimate than SOR is to the damping factor. That is, I can try 2
or 3 values and find a nice broad minimum. With SOR, the "good" damping
value seems to be so twitchy, I'd rather not mess with it.

> I wouldn't go as far as saying that it is too large.  You would see a
> degradation in ex56 if the ratio was hard wired to 0.1 I'm pretty sure but
> would not be bad.  As I said the Cheb poly is pretty smooth and flat at that
> end.  GAMG looks at the coarsening rate between levels to set this ratio.

Does it also look at the dimension? That is, if you coarsen a 1D problem by
a factor of 8^1=8, the smoother will have a much bigger chunk of the
spectrum to bite off than if you coarsen a 3D problem by 2^3=8.

> No it works with any block size 1-6.  You can see the code in
> prometheus/src/gauss_seid.C (or something like that).
> Its pretty easy to understand (see my SC01 paper on my web page), but its
> kind of a bitch to implement.  And you don't really need to understand it --
> it does G-S. Very well defined.  If you care about equation ordering then
> you need to look at the algorithm.  But on one processor its lexicographical
> and on N processors its standard coloring kind of algo. and its a hybrid in
> between.  Its all MPI code so it would not be too hard to port it to PETSc
> but it uses a lot of hash tables and linked lists so C++ is useful.

I downloaded that paper when we talked about it this summer. It looks like
the parallel coloring is a meaningful chunk of it? The INL guys are also
asking for a parallel coloring, so it's something we should do regardless.
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