[petsc-dev] [petsc-maint #89809] 3D DMDAs in petsc-3.2

Richard Katz richard.katz at earth.ox.ac.uk
Mon Oct 10 04:12:29 CDT 2011

> summary:     cruft to handle the special case of solving a 2D problem in a 3D algorithm with stencil size > 1.  This only works in the 3D case, z-dimension

This sounds rather suspicious to me.

> the second layer of ghost points uses the first layer instead of getting the second layer.

I think this may be what is causing a problem in my code:

(gdb) n
28        ierr = DMDAGetGridInfo(user->dav,&is,&js,&ks,&ie,&je,&ke,0,0,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
(gdb) print ks
$1 = 0
(gdb) print ke
$2 = 7
(gdb) print v[8][5][5].u
$5 = 0.071731334082415735
(gdb) print v[7][5][5].u
$6 = 0.071731334082415735

it seems to only occur on the k+ processor boundary (when the next processor is in the k+ direction)


> Since I don't understand your /* 2d case */ business I leave it to you to fix
> I don't understand it either and haven't tried. Maybe Ethan can take a look.

Richard Foa Katz
Dept Earth Sciences, Univ Oxford

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