[petsc-dev] gfortran-4.2 + OS X + petsc-3.2+ no longer works

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Oct 2 07:17:36 CDT 2011

Maybe you have spent much more time on this, but it seems premature to give
up on a compiler series. I don't have a Mac to test on, but some notes from
the output.

On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 02:44, Aron Ahmadia <aron.ahmadia at kaust.edu.sa>wrote:

> CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/fsrc/somefort.F.old: warning: for symbol
> _petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16 from
> CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/vec/f90-mod/petscvecmod.F.o is is smaller than the
> real definition of size 4 from
> CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/fsrc/somefort.F.old: warning: for symbol
> _petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16 from
> CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/mat/f90-mod/petscmatmod.F.o is is smaller than the
> real definition of size 4 from
> CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/fsrc/somefort.F.old: warning: for symbol
> _petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16 from
> CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/dm/f90-mod/petscdmmod.F.o is is smaller than the
> real definition of size 4 from
> CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/fsrc/somefort.F.old: warning: for symbol
> _petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16 from
> CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/ksp/f90-mod/petsckspmod.F.o is is smaller than the
> real definition of size 4 from
> CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/fsrc/somefort.F.o
> ld: warning: for symbol _petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16
> from CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/snes/f90-mod/petscsnesmod.F.o is is smaller
> than the real definition of size 4 from
> CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/fsrc/somefort.F.o

It looks like this only affects PETSC_COMM_WORLD.

include/finclude/petscsys.h:      common /petscfortran9/ PETSC_COMM_WORLD
include/finclude/petscsys.h:      common /petscfortran10/ PETSC_COMM_SELF

> Undefined symbols:
>   "_getarg_", referenced from:
>       _PETScParseFortranArgs_Private in zstart.c.o
>       _petscinitialize_ in zstart.c.o
>   "_iargc_", referenced from:
>       _PETScParseFortranArgs_Private in zstart.c.o
> ld: symbol(s) not found
Please send configure.log. If you look at src/sys/ftn-custom/zstart.c, you
will see some logic for special cases of getarg and iargc, e.g.

#define iargc_  _gfortran_iargc
#define getarg_ _gfortran_getarg_i4

What symbols are actually in your libgfortran?

Also, I'm worried that configure is seeing a different libgfortran, perhaps
because of more paths in the compilation line.

And does "make all-legacy" work? (It's possible that the order of all flags
is not preserved across languages when we push the flags to CMake.)
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