[petsc-dev] gfortran-4.2 + OS X + petsc-3.2+ no longer works

Aron Ahmadia aron.ahmadia at kaust.edu.sa
Sun Oct 2 02:44:08 CDT 2011

I talked this over with Jed and Sean, and my opinion is that gfortran-4.2 is
not worth supporting.  The gfortran-4.6 binary available from
well (I do not have an older system to test on).

Unfortunately, there are going to be quite a few people using gfortran-4.2
OS X for awhile and the configure passes, the make failing only at the final
link with (see paste below).

Would it be too much to put a check in BuildSystem to detect if gfortran-4.2
is being used and to throw an error telling the user to upgrade their


(massive link line to try and create Fortran shared library

ld: warning: duplicate dylib
warning: duplicate dylib
warning: duplicate dylib
/Users/aron/sandbox/petsc/arch-darwin-c-debug/lib/libmpich.dylibld: warning:
duplicate dylib /usr/local/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylibld: warning: for symbol
_petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16 from
CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/f90-src/fsrc/f90_fwrap.F.o is being replaced by
a real definition of size 4 from
CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/fsrc/somefort.F.old: warning: for symbol
_petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16 from
CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/vec/f90-mod/petscvecmod.F.o is is smaller than the
real definition of size 4 from
CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/fsrc/somefort.F.old: warning: for symbol
_petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16 from
CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/mat/f90-mod/petscmatmod.F.o is is smaller than the
real definition of size 4 from
CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/fsrc/somefort.F.old: warning: for symbol
_petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16 from
CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/dm/f90-mod/petscdmmod.F.o is is smaller than the
real definition of size 4 from
CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/fsrc/somefort.F.old: warning: for symbol
_petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16 from
CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/ksp/f90-mod/petsckspmod.F.o is is smaller than the
real definition of size 4 from

ld: warning: for symbol _petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16 from
CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/snes/f90-mod/petscsnesmod.F.o is is smaller than
the real definition of size 4 from

ld: warning: for symbol _petscfortran9_ tentative definition of size 16 from
CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/ts/f90-mod/petsctsmod.F.o is is smaller than the
real definition of size 4 from

Undefined symbols:

  "_getarg_", referenced from:

      _PETScParseFortranArgs_Private in zstart.c.o

      _petscinitialize_ in zstart.c.o

  "_iargc_", referenced from:

      _PETScParseFortranArgs_Private in zstart.c.o

ld: symbol(s) not found

/usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
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