[petsc-dev] Compiling petsc with superlu_dist, hypre and mumps on hopper II

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Mar 10 18:13:51 CST 2011

attaching the configure file that worked with petsc-dev. I haven't
tried petsc-31


On Thu, 10 Mar 2011, fabien delalondre wrote:

> Hi,
> Which argument should I pass to pass to compile petsc on hopper II with
> superlu_dist, hypre and mumps (download) ? Without external package
> --with-mpi=0 works fine but then the external packages complain about it (no
> mpi specified). I tried to use and also modify the arch-cray-xt5-opt.py
> configure file but I did not go through it yet (Invalid mpiexec specified:
> /usr/common/acts/PETSc/3.0.0/bin/mpiexec.aprun). Instead of wasting time, I
> guess you guys will provide an answer pretty quickly.
> Thanks for your help.
> Fabien
-------------- next part --------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
  import sys
  import os
  sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('config'))
  import configure
  configure_options = [
    '--COPTFLAGS=-fast -mp',
    '--CXXOPTFLAGS=-fast -mp',
    '--FOPTFLAGS=-fast -mp',
    '--with-blas-lapack-lib=-L/opt/acml/4.4.0/pgi64/lib -lacml -lacml_mv',

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