[petsc-dev] broke configure removed config.guess and config.sub

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Jan 27 15:28:23 CST 2011

   Matt and everyone

    I have intentionally partly broken configure by removing ALL traces of the use of the two horrible horrible bash shell scripts config.guess and config.sub that should have been removed a decade ago and make configure work only on Unix.  

   This will break sharedLibraries.py that used hostOSBase which computed using host_os and TetGen.py and Triangle.py that for some strange reason also use it. Best to get rid of hostOSbase completely and do proper tests for different ways of making shared libraries.  Until this is fixed sharedlibraries won't work.

   Please report or fix all problems that come up ASAP.


Yes be pissed at me for ruining your day, but I'm finally lighting the fire under bad configure practices that make it only work on Unix. Cygwin usage must die!

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