Jed Brown jed at 59A2.org
Tue Dec 7 13:59:09 CST 2010

On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 20:53, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> BTW: I consider the DMDA Vec just a very special case that gets way to much
> attention and can sometimes distort the overall design of PETSc in issues
> that are not important in that non-special case.

Along these lines, I'm curious about using an API like VecGhost for the DA.
 That is, what if there was a level where a Vec could know about a local
form.  When you get the local form, one implementation would return the
contiguous local form (no copy) and another implementation would return a
separate vector.  Then you could
VecUpdateVector(Xglobal,Xlocal,imode,scattermode) or so (need an unambiguous
name).  Then DMComposite could operate without forcing separate local and
global vectors.

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