logic of config options

Giuseppe Ghibò ghibo at mandriva.com
Mon May 11 11:26:26 CDT 2009

Satish Balay wrote:
> On Tue, 5 May 2009, Giuseppe Ghibò wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I'm trying to package petsc 2.3.3,
> Why package this older version? Current version is 3.0.0.
Because I've to use bundled with libmesh 
(http://libmesh.sourceforge.net) and IIRC it talks only (or maybe advice 
don't remember exactly) about PetSC 2.3.3 and not 3.0.0.
>> but I didn't understand the logic of some options, in particular for
>> umfpack.  E.g. If I specify at the config stage:
>> --with-umfpack-lib=[${_libdir}/libumfpack.a,${_libdir}/libamd.a]
>> and the ${_libdir} path contains both shared and static libraries then
>> the linking command are expanded to:
>> -lumfpack -Wl,-rpath,<path of petsc> -lamd
>> Ditto if I specify:
>> --with-umfpack-lib=[libumfpack.a]
>> they are expanded to the two libs "-lumpack -lamd" (i.e. it guesses the
>> other lib "libamd" even if I don't specify).
> petsc-3.0.0 won't add the extra -lamd

> Currently this is not possible. Perhpas it will be if "-Lfoo -lbar" is
> supported.
well, IIRC I tried and didn't worked (and -L was not even needed because 
of system-path), but maybe there could be added an extra behaviour (see 
my previous mail) to let the user take full control about which 
libraries should be passed to pass detecting tests.


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