Done editing for a while

Richard Tran Mills rmills at
Sat Mar 21 12:08:53 CDT 2009

Hi Peter,

I've pushed up a bunch of changes, and I can't work on any more until late 
this evening or tomorrow morning, so go ahead and start doing some 

I suggest moving the PETSc section to a subsection under the "Code 
Development" section.  I don't think it makes sense where it is, in its own 
section.  This isn't exactly PFLOTRAN development, but everything we mention 
has been directly in support of PFLOTRAN, and PFLOTRAN is inextricably 
intertwined with PETSc anyway.  I didn't move this myself for fear of 
clobbering any edits you might have been working on.

Best regards,

Richard Tran Mills, Ph.D.            |   E-mail: rmills at
Computational Scientist              |   Phone:  (865) 241-3198
Computational Earth Sciences Group   |   Fax:    (865) 574-0405
Oak Ridge National Laboratory        |

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