petsc-dev directory structure questions

Satish Balay balay at
Fri Dec 14 12:05:34 CST 2007

On further thought, I'm ok with merging conf and config - provided
'config' [which would be the new merged name for conf] would not have
any of the old $PETSC_DIR/python stuff. [i,e if it goes somewere into

We currently have generated files anyway at
PETSC_ARCH/conf/[,petscconf,petscrules], so I guess
PETSC_DIR/config/[,,base,rules,..]  should be

With this, the curent user interface of ./config/
./config/ would be unchanged.


On Fri, 14 Dec 2007, Satish Balay wrote:

> I guess my thoughts in the previous e-mail were all over the place -
> so here is an attempt to get something consistant out.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> <Barry>
> 2) putting the ons of sample files for different systems
> into a subdirectory called samples
> <Richard>
> A much more descriptive name for the 'config' directory would be
> something like 'BuildScripts'.
> <Lisandro>
> * I'm on Richard's side. I believe all the build scripts in 'config'
> should be placed in other location, let say 'maint/BuildScripts/'.
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> One issue here is - when you refer to scripts in config - are you
> refering to things like just '' or both &
> ** In the current design _both_ scripts are equivalent [wrt user
> invocation]. Hence in the same location. **
> <option1>
> So the current porposal of PETSC_DIR/BuildScripts & PETSC_DIR/config
> is _exaclty_ the same organization as what we had before [with
> PETSC_DIR/config & PETSC_DIR/python], with dirs being renamed.
> PETSC_DIR/python could have aswell be moved to PETSC_DIR/src/foobar
> [and it would still be consistant to me].
> Issue: Woud user now invoke ./BuildScripts/
> <option2>
> However if the intent is to splitup &, the
> organization avaliable is: PETSC_DIR/, PETSC_DIR/config,
> and PETSC_DIR/BuildScripts.
> *****
> With the above two options , Barrys primary concern with eliminating
> one of 'conf' and 'config' is not resolved. [only better renaming is
> done, with a cost of different ueser interface with ./ and
> ./BuildScripts/]
> ******
> <option2A>
> Now move PETSC_DIR/config to PETSC_DIR/src/config-foobar. This removes
> one dir from PETSC_DIR [however BuildScripts & conf,
> still remain]
> <options2B>
> Also move PETSC_DIR/BuildScripts to PETSC_DIR/maint/BuildScripts.
> However with this approach [as we don't distribute 'maint' to users,
> this would be loss in usr functionality.
> We are attempting all of this reorganization just because the name
> 'conf' is too close to 'config'. [And I fear we might break more than
> what we are fixing]
> Satish

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