[Parvis-users] tourbles when addfile.

Jayesh Krishna jayesh at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Apr 5 10:29:51 CDT 2013

 The error is possible due to a bug in the MOAB reader (MOAB is a library used by ParNCL) when reading meta-data associated with the "time_bnds" variable in the netcdf file.
 For now, please remove the time_bnds variable from the netcdf file and try running your script. Please look into the ticket (http://trac.mcs.anl.gov/projects/parvis/ticket/70) to follow progress on this issue.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Matrix" <sov_matrix at 126.com>
To: "Jayesh Krishna" <jayesh at mcs.anl.gov>
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 10:19:11 AM
Subject: Re:Re: [Parvis-users] tourbles when addfile.

Sorry to misunderstand, Here is the result ,also you can read it in attachment. Thank you very much. 
netcdf TH240_CAM-th.cam2.h0.0049-11 { 
lat = 64 ; 
lon = 128 ; 
lev = 26 ; 
ilev = 27 ; 
isccp_prs = 7 ; 
isccp_tau = 7 ; 
isccp_prstau = 49 ; 
time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) 
tbnd = 2 ; 
chars = 8 ; 
double P0 ; 
P0:long_name = "reference pressure" ; 
P0:units = "Pa" ; 
double lat(lat) ; 
lat:long_name = "latitude" ; 
lat:units = "degrees_north" ; 
double lon(lon) ; 
lon:long_name = "longitude" ; 
lon:units = "degrees_east" ; 
double lev(lev) ; 
lev:long_name = "hybrid level at midpoints (1000*(A+B))" ; 
lev:units = "level" ; 
lev:positive = "down" ; 
lev:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate" ; 
lev:formula_terms = "a: hyam b: hybm p0: P0 ps: PS" ; 
double ilev(ilev) ; 
ilev:long_name = "hybrid level at interfaces (1000*(A+B))" ; 
ilev:units = "level" ; 
ilev:positive = "down" ; 
ilev:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate" ; 
ilev:formula_terms = "a: hyai b: hybi p0: P0 ps: PS" ; 
double isccp_prs(isccp_prs) ; 
isccp_prs:long_name = "Mean ISCCP pressure" ; 
isccp_prs:units = "mb" ; 
isccp_prs:isccp_prs_bnds = 0., 180., 310., 440., 560., 680., 800., 1000. ; 
double isccp_tau(isccp_tau) ; 
isccp_tau:long_name = "Mean ISCCP optical depth" ; 
isccp_tau:units = "unitless" ; 
isccp_tau:isccp_tau_bnds = 0., 0.3, 1.3, 3.6, 9.4, 23., 60., 379. ; 
double isccp_prstau(isccp_prstau) ; 
isccp_prstau:long_name = "Mean pressure (mb).mean optical depth (unitless)/1000" ; 
isccp_prstau:units = "mixed" ; 
double time(time) ; 
time:long_name = "time" ; 
time:units = "days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00" ; 
time:calendar = "noleap" ; 
time:bounds = "time_bnds" ; 
double time_bnds(time, tbnd) ; 
time_bnds:long_name = "time interval endpoints" ; 
char date_written(time, chars) ; 
char time_written(time, chars) ; 
int ntrm ; 
ntrm:long_name = "spectral truncation parameter M" ; 
int ntrn ; 
ntrn:long_name = "spectral truncation parameter N" ; 
int ntrk ; 
ntrk:long_name = "spectral truncation parameter K" ; 
int ndbase ; 
ndbase:long_name = "base day" ; 
int nsbase ; 
nsbase:long_name = "seconds of base day" ; 
int nbdate ; 
nbdate:long_name = "base date (YYYYMMDD)" ; 
int nbsec ; 
nbsec:long_name = "seconds of base date" ; 
int mdt ; 
mdt:long_name = "timestep" ; 
mdt:units = "s" ; 
int nlon(lat) ; 
nlon:long_name = "number of longitudes" ; 
int wnummax(lat) ; 
wnummax:long_name = "cutoff Fourier wavenumber" ; 
double hyai(ilev) ; 
hyai:long_name = "hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces" ; 
double hybi(ilev) ; 
hybi:long_name = "hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces" ; 
double hyam(lev) ; 
hyam:long_name = "hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints" ; 
double hybm(lev) ; 
hybm:long_name = "hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints" ; 
double gw(lat) ; 
gw:long_name = "gauss weights" ; 
int ndcur(time) ; 
ndcur:long_name = "current day (from base day)" ; 
int nscur(time) ; 
nscur:long_name = "current seconds of current day" ; 
int date(time) ; 
date:long_name = "current date (YYYYMMDD)" ; 
double co2vmr(time) ; 
co2vmr:long_name = "co2 volume mixing ratio" ; 
int datesec(time) ; 
datesec:long_name = "current seconds of current date" ; 
int nsteph(time) ; 
nsteph:long_name = "current timestep" ; 
float CLDHGH(time, lat, lon) ; 
CLDHGH:units = "fraction" ; 
CLDHGH:long_name = "Vertically-integrated high cloud" ; 
CLDHGH:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CLDICE(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
CLDICE:units = "kg/kg" ; 
CLDICE:long_name = "Grid box averaged ice condensate amount" ; 
CLDICE:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CLDLIQ(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
CLDLIQ:units = "kg/kg" ; 
CLDLIQ:long_name = "Grid box averaged liquid condensate amount" ; 
CLDLIQ:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CLDLOW(time, lat, lon) ; 
CLDLOW:units = "fraction" ; 
CLDLOW:long_name = "Vertically-integrated low cloud" ; 
CLDLOW:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CLDMED(time, lat, lon) ; 
CLDMED:units = "fraction" ; 
CLDMED:long_name = "Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud" ; 
CLDMED:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CLDTOT(time, lat, lon) ; 
CLDTOT:units = "fraction" ; 
CLDTOT:long_name = "Vertically-integrated total cloud" ; 
CLDTOT:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CLOUD(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
CLOUD:units = "fraction" ; 
CLOUD:long_name = "Cloud fraction" ; 
CLOUD:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CMFDQ(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
CMFDQ:units = "kg/kg/s" ; 
CMFDQ:long_name = "Q tendency - Hack convection" ; 
CMFDQ:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CMFDQR(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
CMFDQR:units = "kg/kg/s" ; 
CMFDQR:long_name = "Q tendency - shallow convection rainout" ; 
CMFDQR:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CMFDT(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
CMFDT:units = "K/s" ; 
CMFDT:long_name = "T tendency - Hack convection" ; 
CMFDT:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CMFMC(time, ilev, lat, lon) ; 
CMFMC:units = "kg/m2/s" ; 
CMFMC:long_name = "Moist convection mass flux" ; 
CMFMC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CONCLD(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
CONCLD:units = "fraction" ; 
CONCLD:long_name = "Convective cloud cover" ; 
CONCLD:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CPLPRCER(time, lat, lon) ; 
CPLPRCER:units = "kg/m2/s" ; 
CPLPRCER:long_name = "Error in precipitation state (rain or snow) sent to coupler" ; 
CPLPRCER:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CPLRAINC(time, lat, lon) ; 
CPLRAINC:units = "kg/m2/s" ; 
CPLRAINC:long_name = "Convective rainfall sent to coupler" ; 
CPLRAINC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CPLRAINL(time, lat, lon) ; 
CPLRAINL:units = "kg/m2/s" ; 
CPLRAINL:long_name = "Large-scale rainfall sent to coupler" ; 
CPLRAINL:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CPLSNOWC(time, lat, lon) ; 
CPLSNOWC:units = "kg/m2/s" ; 
CPLSNOWC:long_name = "Convective snowfall sent to coupler" ; 
CPLSNOWC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float CPLSNOWL(time, lat, lon) ; 
CPLSNOWL:units = "kg/m2/s" ; 
CPLSNOWL:long_name = "Large-scale snowfall sent to coupler" ; 
CPLSNOWL:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float DCQ(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
DCQ:units = "kg/kg/s" ; 
DCQ:long_name = "Q tendency due to moist processes" ; 
DCQ:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float DTCOND(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
DTCOND:units = "K/s" ; 
DTCOND:long_name = "T tendency - moist processes" ; 
DTCOND:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float DTH(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
DTH:units = "K/s" ; 
DTH:long_name = "T horizontal diffusive heating" ; 
DTH:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float DTV(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
DTV:units = "K/s" ; 
DTV:long_name = "T vertical diffusion" ; 
DTV:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FICE(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
FICE:units = "fraction" ; 
FICE:long_name = "Fractional ice content within cloud" ; 
FICE:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FLNS(time, lat, lon) ; 
FLNS:units = "W/m2" ; 
FLNS:long_name = "Net longwave flux at surface" ; 
FLNS:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FLNSC(time, lat, lon) ; 
FLNSC:units = "W/m2" ; 
FLNSC:long_name = "Clearsky net longwave flux at surface" ; 
FLNSC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FLNSOI(time, lat, lon) ; 
FLNSOI:units = "W/m2" ; 
FLNSOI:long_name = "FLNS over open ocn and ice" ; 
FLNSOI:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FLNT(time, lat, lon) ; 
FLNT:units = "W/m2" ; 
FLNT:long_name = "Net longwave flux at top of model" ; 
FLNT:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FLNTC(time, lat, lon) ; 
FLNTC:units = "W/m2" ; 
FLNTC:long_name = "Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model" ; 
FLNTC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FLUT(time, lat, lon) ; 
FLUT:units = "W/m2" ; 
FLUT:long_name = "Upwelling longwave flux at top of model" ; 
FLUT:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FLUTC(time, lat, lon) ; 
FLUTC:units = "W/m2" ; 
FLUTC:long_name = "Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model" ; 
FLUTC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FSDS(time, lat, lon) ; 
FSDS:units = "W/m2" ; 
FSDS:long_name = "Downwelling solar flux at surface" ; 
FSDS:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FSDSC(time, lat, lon) ; 
FSDSC:units = "W/m2" ; 
FSDSC:long_name = "Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface" ; 
FSDSC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FSNS(time, lat, lon) ; 
FSNS:units = "W/m2" ; 
FSNS:long_name = "Net solar flux at surface" ; 
FSNS:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FSNSC(time, lat, lon) ; 
FSNSC:units = "W/m2" ; 
FSNSC:long_name = "Clearsky net solar flux at surface" ; 
FSNSC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FSNSOI(time, lat, lon) ; 
FSNSOI:units = "W/m2" ; 
FSNSOI:long_name = "FSNS over open ocn and ice" ; 
FSNSOI:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FSNT(time, lat, lon) ; 
FSNT:units = "W/m2" ; 
FSNT:long_name = "Net solar flux at top of model" ; 
FSNT:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FSNTC(time, lat, lon) ; 
FSNTC:units = "W/m2" ; 
FSNTC:long_name = "Clearsky net solar flux at top of model" ; 
FSNTC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FSNTOA(time, lat, lon) ; 
FSNTOA:units = "W/m2" ; 
FSNTOA:long_name = "Net solar flux at top of atmosphere" ; 
FSNTOA:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float FSNTOAC(time, lat, lon) ; 
FSNTOAC:units = "W/m2" ; 
FSNTOAC:long_name = "Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere" ; 
FSNTOAC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float GCLDLWP(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
GCLDLWP:units = "gram/m2" ; 
GCLDLWP:long_name = "Grid-box cloud water path" ; 
GCLDLWP:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float ICEFRAC(time, lat, lon) ; 
ICEFRAC:units = "fraction" ; 
ICEFRAC:long_name = "Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice" ; 
ICEFRAC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float ICLDIWP(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
ICLDIWP:units = "gram/m2" ; 
ICLDIWP:long_name = "In-cloud ice water path" ; 
ICLDIWP:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float ICLDLWP(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
ICLDLWP:units = "gram/m2" ; 
ICLDLWP:long_name = "In-cloud cloud water path (liquid and ice)" ; 
ICLDLWP:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float LANDFRAC(time, lat, lon) ; 
LANDFRAC:units = "fraction" ; 
LANDFRAC:long_name = "Fraction of sfc area covered by land" ; 
LANDFRAC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float LHFLX(time, lat, lon) ; 
LHFLX:units = "W/m2" ; 
LHFLX:long_name = "Surface latent heat flux" ; 
LHFLX:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float LHFLXOI(time, lat, lon) ; 
LHFLXOI:units = "W/m2" ; 
LHFLXOI:long_name = "LHFLX over open ocn and ice" ; 
LHFLXOI:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float LWCF(time, lat, lon) ; 
LWCF:units = "W/m2" ; 
LWCF:long_name = "Longwave cloud forcing" ; 
LWCF:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float OCNFRAC(time, lat, lon) ; 
OCNFRAC:units = "fraction" ; 
OCNFRAC:long_name = "Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean" ; 
OCNFRAC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float OMEGA(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
OMEGA:units = "Pa/s" ; 
OMEGA:long_name = "Vertical velocity (pressure)" ; 
OMEGA:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float OMEGAT(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
OMEGAT:units = "K Pa/s" ; 
OMEGAT:long_name = "Vertical heat flux" ; 
OMEGAT:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float PBLH(time, lat, lon) ; 
PBLH:units = "m" ; 
PBLH:long_name = "PBL height" ; 
PBLH:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float PDELDRY(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
PDELDRY:units = "Pa" ; 
PDELDRY:long_name = "Dry pressure difference between levels" ; 
PDELDRY:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float PHIS(time, lat, lon) ; 
PHIS:units = "m2/s2" ; 
PHIS:long_name = "Surface geopotential" ; 
float PRECC(time, lat, lon) ; 
PRECC:units = "m/s" ; 
PRECC:long_name = "Convective precipitation rate" ; 
PRECC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float PRECL(time, lat, lon) ; 
PRECL:units = "m/s" ; 
PRECL:long_name = "Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate" ; 
PRECL:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float PRECSC(time, lat, lon) ; 
PRECSC:units = "m/s" ; 
PRECSC:long_name = "Convective snow rate (water equivalent)" ; 
PRECSC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float PRECSH(time, lat, lon) ; 
PRECSH:units = "m/s" ; 
PRECSH:long_name = "Shallow Convection precipitation rate" ; 
PRECSH:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float PRECSL(time, lat, lon) ; 
PRECSL:units = "m/s" ; 
PRECSL:long_name = "Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent)" ; 
PRECSL:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float PS(time, lat, lon) ; 
PS:units = "Pa" ; 
PS:long_name = "Surface pressure" ; 
PS:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float PSDRY(time, lat, lon) ; 
PSDRY:units = "Pa" ; 
PSDRY:long_name = "Surface pressure" ; 
PSDRY:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float PSL(time, lat, lon) ; 
PSL:units = "Pa" ; 
PSL:long_name = "Sea level pressure" ; 
PSL:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float Q(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
Q:units = "kg/kg" ; 
Q:long_name = "Specific humidity" ; 
Q:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float QC(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
QC:units = "kg/kg/s" ; 
QC:long_name = "Q tendency - shallow convection LW export" ; 
QC:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float QFLX(time, lat, lon) ; 
QFLX:units = "kg/m2/s" ; 
QFLX:long_name = "Surface water flux" ; 
QFLX:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float QREFHT(time, lat, lon) ; 
QREFHT:units = "kg/kg" ; 
QREFHT:long_name = "Reference height humidity" ; 
QREFHT:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float QRL(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
QRL:units = "K/s" ; 
QRL:long_name = "Longwave heating rate" ; 
QRL:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float QRS(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
QRS:units = "K/s" ; 
QRS:long_name = "Solar heating rate" ; 
QRS:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float RELHUM(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
RELHUM:units = "percent" ; 
RELHUM:long_name = "Relative humidity" ; 
RELHUM:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float SFCLDICE(time, lat, lon) ; 
SFCLDICE:units = "kg/m2/s" ; 
SFCLDICE:long_name = "CLDICE surface flux" ; 
SFCLDICE:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float SFCLDLIQ(time, lat, lon) ; 
SFCLDLIQ:units = "kg/m2/s" ; 
SFCLDLIQ:long_name = "CLDLIQ surface flux" ; 
SFCLDLIQ:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float SFQ(time, lat, lon) ; 
SFQ:units = "kg/m2/s" ; 
SFQ:long_name = "Q surface flux" ; 
SFQ:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float SHFLX(time, lat, lon) ; 
SHFLX:units = "W/m2" ; 
SHFLX:long_name = "Surface sensible heat flux" ; 
SHFLX:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float SHFLXOI(time, lat, lon) ; 
SHFLXOI:units = "W/m2" ; 
SHFLXOI:long_name = "SHFLX over open ocn and ice" ; 
SHFLXOI:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float SNOWHICE(time, lat, lon) ; 
SNOWHICE:units = "m" ; 
SNOWHICE:long_name = "Water equivalent snow depth" ; 
SNOWHICE:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float SNOWHLND(time, lat, lon) ; 
SNOWHLND:units = "m" ; 
SNOWHLND:long_name = "Water equivalent snow depth" ; 
SNOWHLND:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float SOLIN(time, lat, lon) ; 
SOLIN:units = "W/m2" ; 
SOLIN:long_name = "Solar insolation" ; 
SOLIN:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float SRFRAD(time, lat, lon) ; 
SRFRAD:units = "W/m2" ; 
SRFRAD:long_name = "Net radiative flux at surface" ; 
SRFRAD:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float SWCF(time, lat, lon) ; 
SWCF:units = "W/m2" ; 
SWCF:long_name = "Shortwave cloud forcing" ; 
SWCF:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float T(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
T:units = "K" ; 
T:long_name = "Temperature" ; 
T:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float TAUX(time, lat, lon) ; 
TAUX:units = "N/m2" ; 
TAUX:long_name = "Zonal surface stress" ; 
TAUX:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float TAUY(time, lat, lon) ; 
TAUY:units = "N/m2" ; 
TAUY:long_name = "Meridional surface stress" ; 
TAUY:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float TGCLDIWP(time, lat, lon) ; 
TGCLDIWP:units = "gram/m2" ; 
TGCLDIWP:long_name = "Total grid-box cloud ice water path" ; 
TGCLDIWP:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float TGCLDLWP(time, lat, lon) ; 
TGCLDLWP:units = "gram/m2" ; 
TGCLDLWP:long_name = "Total grid-box cloud liquid water path" ; 
TGCLDLWP:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float TMQ(time, lat, lon) ; 
TMQ:units = "kg/m2" ; 
TMQ:long_name = "Total (vertically integrated) precipitatable water" ; 
TMQ:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float TREFHT(time, lat, lon) ; 
TREFHT:units = "K" ; 
TREFHT:long_name = "Reference height temperature" ; 
TREFHT:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float TS(time, lat, lon) ; 
TS:units = "K" ; 
TS:long_name = "Surface temperature (radiative)" ; 
TS:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float TSMN(time, lat, lon) ; 
TSMN:units = "K" ; 
TSMN:long_name = "Minimum surface temperature over output period" ; 
TSMN:cell_method = "time: minimum" ; 
float TSMX(time, lat, lon) ; 
TSMX:units = "K" ; 
TSMX:long_name = "Maximum surface temperature over output period" ; 
TSMX:cell_method = "time: maximum" ; 
float U(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
U:units = "m/s" ; 
U:long_name = "Zonal wind" ; 
U:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float UU(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
UU:units = "m2/s2" ; 
UU:long_name = "Zonal velocity squared" ; 
UU:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float V(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
V:units = "m/s" ; 
V:long_name = "Meridional wind" ; 
V:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float VD01(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
VD01:units = "kg/kg/s" ; 
VD01:long_name = "Vertical diffusion of Q" ; 
VD01:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float VQ(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
VQ:units = "m/skg/kg" ; 
VQ:long_name = "Meridional water transport" ; 
VQ:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float VT(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
VT:units = "K m/s" ; 
VT:long_name = "Meridional heat transport" ; 
VT:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float VU(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
VU:units = "m2/s2" ; 
VU:long_name = "Meridional flux of zonal momentum" ; 
VU:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float VV(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
VV:units = "m2/s2" ; 
VV:long_name = "Meridional velocity squared" ; 
VV:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 
float Z3(time, lev, lat, lon) ; 
Z3:units = "m" ; 
Z3:long_name = "Geopotential Height (above sea level)" ; 
Z3:cell_method = "time: mean" ; 

// global attributes: 
:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ; 
:source = "CAM" ; 
:case = "TH240_CAM-th" ; 
:title = "TH240_CAM-th TH240_CAM-th" ; 
:logname = "xxxx" ; 
:host = "xxxxx" ; 
:Version = "$Name: ccsm3_0_rel04 $" ; 
:revision_Id = "$Id: history.F90,v 2004/05/20 18:36:01 mvr Exp $" ; 

At 2013-04-05 23:13:28,"Jayesh Krishna" <jayesh at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> The ncdump utility (part of the netcdf s/w suite) provides the header information related to a netcdf file. Please run the command below to get the header information of the netcdf file mentioned in your previous email.
>ncdump -h CAM-th.cam2.h0.0314-04.nc
>(PS: In your email you have attached the help information from ncdump)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Matrix" <sov_matrix at 126.com>
>To: "Jayesh Krishna" <jayesh at mcs.anl.gov>
>Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 10:25:28 PM
>Subject: Re:Re: [Parvis-users] tourbles when addfile.
>Sorry to relay late. Here is the information about ncdump -h 
>ncdump [-c|-h] [-v ...] [[-b|-f] [c|f]] [-l len] [-n name] [-p n[,n]] [-k] [-x] [-s] [-t|-i] [-g ...] [-w] file 
>[-c] Coordinate variable data and header information 
>[-h] Header information only, no data 
>[-v var1[,...]] Data for variable(s) <var1>,... only 
>[-b [c|f]] Brief annotations for C or Fortran indices in data 
>[-f [c|f]] Full annotations for C or Fortran indices in data 
>[-l len] Line length maximum in data section (default 80) 
>[-n name] Name for netCDF (default derived from file name) 
>[-p n[,n]] Display floating-point values with less precision 
>[-k] Output kind of netCDF file 
>[-s] Output special (virtual) attributes 
>[-t] Output time data as date-time strings 
>[-i] Output time data as date-time strings with ISO-8601 'T' separator 
>[-g grp1[,...]] Data and metadata for group(s) <grp1>,... only 
>[-w] With client-side caching of variables for DAP URLs 
>[-x] Output XML (NcML) inste ad of CDL 
>file Name of netCDF file (or URL if DAP access enabled) 
>netcdf library version 4.3.0-rc3 of Mar 23 2013 22:34:31 $ 
>At 2013-04-02 22:55:55,"Jayesh Krishna" <jayesh at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> Were you able to get the header information in the netcdf file (ncdump -h)?
>>(PS: You can find information on how to build ParNCL in the wiki page - http://trac.mcs.anl.gov/projects/parvis/wiki/BuildingParNCL)
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Jayesh Krishna" <jayesh at mcs.anl.gov>
>>To: "Matrix" <sov_matrix at 126.com>
>>Cc: parvis-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
>>Sent: Monday, April 1, 2013 9:31:22 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Parvis-users] tourbles when addfile.
>> Can you attach the header information (ncdump -h) of the file that you are trying to read in your email?
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Matrix" <sov_matrix at 126.com>
>>To: parvis-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
>>Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 7:41:26 AM
>>Subject: [Parvis-users] tourbles when addfile.
>>Dear Professor : 
>>Recently , we have built the ParNCL , and met with a lot of problems. Could you give me a manual about the ParNCL,please? 
>>when we read the cam model history file with the Parncl. Some errors occurred when we use addfile( "file", "r") , as the following: 
>>warning:Cannot change suppress close option 
>>w arning:SetOption() is not supported for this option (missingtofillvalue) 
>>warning:SetOption() is not supported for this option (cachepreemption) 
>>warning:SetOption() is not supported for this option (cachesize) 
>>warning:SetOption() is not supported for this option (cachenelems) 
>>warning:SetOption() is not supported for this option (cachepreemption) 
>>fatal:Unable to load file 
>>terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pargal::pargal_except' 
>>what(): MB_FAILURE 
>>With the NCL , the trouble doesn't occurred . I wonder if you have met with this trouble. 
>>We used the NCO to extract some single variables to a new file. And any single 2D or 3D variable with the variable gw can be read by ParNCL . 
>>for example : 
>>ncks -v T,gw TH240_CAM-th.cam2.h0.0314-04.nc temp.nc 
>>The new file temp.nc can be read by ParNCL smoothly. And any other 1D ,2D ,3D variable can be added to the new file without troubles. 
>>We ask for your help ,thank you. 
>>& nbsp; Xu, Ji 
>>& nbsp; Tsinghua University.China 
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