testing performance

michael bane michael.bane at manchester.ac.uk
Tue May 15 09:58:13 CDT 2007


Firstly, let me admit to not being an expert at netCDF (I generally use
the Models-3 IOAPI, http://www.baronams.com/products/ioapi/, which is a
layer about netCDF), and to being a complete novice to p-netCDF.

I've knocked up a quick code to time how long it takes to create and
fill a netCDF file on the master node (see attached, presuming it's not

I wish to time how long it takes p-netCDF to create/fill the same file.
But I can't find a guide to the syntax -- am I right in thinking it's
just replacing nf90_ with nfmpi_ ??

I tried this but all nfmpi_ routines were undefined. I can't find a
module to 'USE' and including the 'pnetcdf.inc' gives numerous
preprocessor errors. (Rather than list all this now, I'll see if I'm
barking up the wrong tree altogether...)

Michael Bane
Centre for Atmospheric Science
University of Manchester, U.K.
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