
Robert Latham robl at
Fri Jul 25 15:09:52 CDT 2003

On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 11:31:31AM -0700, John Tannahill wrote:
> Rob,
> I tried your suggested changes below and still no nfmpi_xxx
> entry points in libpnetcdf.a.  Again I do have a workaround by
> additionally linking with libnetcdf.a in src/lib.  Still think
> there are probably libnetcdf.a references in the configure
> setup that should be libpnetcdf.a.  For example, after I do the
> make at the very end it does a "make ranlib ../lib/libnetcdf.a".
> I would have thought this would be libpnetcdf.a?

Ok, i see now.  Your diagnosis is correct: I missed a name change and
we fixed this in 0.8.5. 

> I think that it is great that Tyce Mclarty here at LLNL is taking
> a detailed look at some of the configuration issues.  

I'm going to put out another release that addresses as many of Tyce's
concerns as possible plus builds a real libpnetcdf with fortran

> Note that Tyce (and Richard Hedges) are part of the ASCI parallel
> i/o group here at LLNL; I am a software developer in the Atmospheric
> Science Division trying to make use of your fortran parallel- netcdf
> capabilities.  I had hoped to not be so much on the bleeding edge,
> but the more I get into this, it looks like we may be the first ones
> to be trying to do this?  

You are definitly the first to try out our fortran side of things.  We
have tested the C side pretty well, but haven't spent as much time
hitting the fortran side of things.   Thanks for helping us out on
that front.

> Which makes it more fun, but somewhat risky?  Hopefully we can all
> benefit from this experience, as it looks like there is definitely a
> need for this capability now.

We all have different levels of risk tolerace.  However, I know
Jianwei, Rob, the rest of the parallel-netcdf guys and I will address
any problems you encounter and do what we can to make sure this
software helps you do your science.   Thanks for bearing with us.   We
are using the same fortran bining procedure that the MPICH-2 project
is using, so we are pretty confident that it works: we just need to
figure out the quirks of various platforms.

We really do appreciate your help as an early user.  Thanks.

Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division    A215 0178 EA2D B059 8CDF
Argonne National Labs, IL USA                B29D F333 664A 4280 315B

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