[Nek5000-users] Setting up a case from scratch

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Wed Nov 28 09:12:28 CST 2012

Thanks Tim. Gmsh+moab was my next question and you answered it.

I will try to see if it works. I made a mesh in gmsh with quadratic
elements and mbconvert was able to convert it, atleast I get no error. Does
this mean that nek will be able to use the curved element information
contained in the mesh ? I see that gmsh can generate upto 5'th order
elements (degree 5).

In gmsh I can group boundary faces into sets which are identified by an
integer tag, which should help in specifying boundary condition.


On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 8:17 PM, <nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> Note that this should be relatively trivial to do with the MOAB-based
> version of Nek (MOAB can read gmsh meshes already).  I'm not sure whether
> you can specify higher-order hexes in gmsh, but if you can, start by
> generating those (27-node hex).  Building and running Nek on MOAB is
> described in the Nek user's guide and on the nek wiki.  The examples/moab
> problem is a MOAB-based one, showing how to do this for a fluid-only
> problem; moab_conjht demonstrates it for a fluid/solid problem.  Note that
> the user documentation on text input is a bit out of date, so refer to the
> moab example rather than the user's guide for that (will take this as an
> indication I need to update the user's guide and wiki).
> As for boundary conditions, I'm not sure how this is represented in the
> gmsh files (whether groups of nodes/faces are indicated in the file, or
> whether a field on nodes/faces/sides is used to indicate this).  If the
> former, these should read into MOAB sets marked with NEUMANN_SET or
> DIRICHLET_SET tags; if the latter, you'll have to interpret this data in
> the .usr file to set the boundary conditions.
> MOAB's gmsh reader is not parallelized, so if you want to run this problem
> in parallel, you'll need to translate into MOAB's .h5m file format, then
> partition, as described in the wiki instructions.  Building MOAB builds
> also 'mbconvert', which converts between any file formats read/written by
> MOAB (for that matter, partitioning with MOAB's tool would allow you to
> read the gmsh file directly and output the partitioning info with the mesh
> to .h5m).
> - tim
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