[mpich2-dev] info MPI

Eugenio Marzo eugenio.marzo at yahoo.it
Tue Oct 9 03:04:20 CDT 2012

Dear All,

I don't want take too your  time, but I have a question for you ( I'm a beginner :) )

The scenario is this :
The scenario is this :

1) NODE-1   :  is running process FOO1

    NODE-2   :  waiting for help to NODE-1

2) the process FOO1 goes crazy and he requires too much CPU

3) NODE-1 : asks at NODE-2 some CPU power  for the computing

    NODE-2  : shares its CPU with NODE-1

I don't know if I can do this with MPI libraries and if one processe, already created in a node, could use the cpu of other nodes.

Could you please let me know if this is possibile?

Thanks for your attention and Best Regards,
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