[mpich2-dev] configuration problem

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Apr 15 07:52:50 CDT 2010


Hydra launches a proxy process on each compute node that needs to 
connect back to the main server on the launching node. It looks like the 
proxy on "dft" is not able to connect back. Is there a firewall that's 
stopping this connection?

You can use the -verbose option to mpiexec to see what port the proxy is 
trying to connect to.

  -- Pavan

On 04/15/2010 12:14 AM, lagoun brahim wrote:
> hi every one
> I am a new in MPI, I want to install it in two PCs duo so I configure it 
> with Hydra (./configure --with-pm=hydra --with-hydra-bss=ssh 
> F77=gfortran F90=gfortran;make;make instaal) when I run an application 
> (cpi) on one machine it works but when i run  the same application on 
> both machines do not work and I get after some time the following error 
> message:
> mpiexec -f hosts -np 3 /home/mpich2-1.2.1/examples/cpi
> [proxy at dft] HYDU_sock_connect (./utils/sock/sock.c:141): connect error 
> (Connection timed out)
> [proxy at dft] main (./pm/pmiserv/pmi_proxy.c:108): unable to connect to 
> the main server
> can some one help me please

Pavan Balaji

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