[mpich2-dev] [opa-core] Problem with MPICH2 1.1 during MPI_Init() on PPC Linux 32bit

Darius Buntinas buntinas at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jun 9 16:06:30 CDT 2009

Joe, can you check if this patch works for you?


Index: src/mpid/ch3/channels/nemesis/nemesis/src/mpid_nem_init.c
--- src/mpid/ch3/channels/nemesis/nemesis/src/mpid_nem_init.c	(revision
+++ src/mpid/ch3/channels/nemesis/nemesis/src/mpid_nem_init.c	(working copy)
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
      * should only contain a pointer. Also, we don't support compilers
      * which add random padding to the start of the structure. The
      * below assert should blow up if any of these happens. */
-    MPIU_Assert(sizeof(MPID_nem_cell_rel_ptr_t) == SIZEOF_VOID_P);
+    MPIU_Assert(sizeof(MPID_nem_cell_rel_ptr_t) == sizeof(OPA_ptr_t));

     /* Make sure the cell structure looks like it should */

On 06/09/2009 03:58 PM, Darius Buntinas wrote:
> I believe it should be exactly the size of an OPA_ptr_t.  I'm checking
> this right now.
> -d
>> I think the bigger question is whether or not the assertion is
>> sensible.  I don't know why the cell rel pointer structure needs to be
>> exactly the same size as a pointer as long as it contains a pointer
>> value...

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