[mpich2-dev] MPI_Aint testcase development

Brian Smith smithbr at us.ibm.com
Mon Mar 10 15:28:37 CDT 2008

We are also running the test suite included with MPICH. 

A small subset of that is run on every software build (basically, 
everyday) and we generally try to run through the entire thing before 
significant code check-ins.

Brian Smith
BlueGene MPI Development
IBM Rochester
Phone: 507 253 4717
smithbr at us.ibm.com

Michael Blocksome/Rochester/IBM at IBMUS 
Sent by: owner-mpich2-dev at mcs.anl.gov
03/10/2008 03:15 PM
Please respond to
mpich2-dev at mcs.anl.gov

mpich2-dev at mcs.anl.gov

[mpich2-dev] MPI_Aint testcase development

I'd like to start a discussion about MPI_Aint testcase development.   

IBM is running the following test suites as each new internal development 
builds become available: 
1. Intelanl2006 

What is missing from this list are *targeted* tests for the MPI_Aint 
problem. The only known test (to my knowledge) that hits the problem is 
the b_eff_io program .. yet even this test was not written specifically to 
the MPI_Aint problem. 

Digging through my inbox, I found this from a summary email sent by Bryan 
Hartlen (IBM) on 2/19: 

ROMIO issue: 

The Plan 
1) Both IBM and ANL agree that the best way to proceed is to use what was 
originally called option B (recasting) 
2) Both IBM and ANL agree that IBM will assume the lead for implementing 
the change (making the change(s) as required, testing and releasing) 
3) Both IBM and ANL agree that IBM's effort above would benefit from any 
test case development that ANL would be willing to provide. 
4) Both IBM and ANL agree that IBM's scheduled release for this work in 
the V1R2 release cycle (May 16) is acceptable. 
5) Both IBM and ANL would like DOE's agreement that this plan above is 
sufficient to remove the ROMIO issue as a gate to starting 500T acceptance 


In regards to item #3, is ANL able to write testcase code for this 
problem, given your knowledge and understanding of the code paths 
involved?  Specifically, what code paths should we consider for test case 

Let's discuss on this mailing list the targeted tests that need to be 
developed in order to fully test the solution to the MPI_Aint problem. 


Michael Blocksome
Blue Gene Messaging Team Lead
Advanced Systems SW Development
blocksom at us.ibm.com
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