[MPICH2-dev] Re: mpi+omp

Dieter an Mey anmey at rz.rwth-aachen.de
Wed Jul 19 08:08:04 CDT 2006

The compunity web site lists available compilers for OpenMP


To my knowledge the Sun Studio compiler currently contains the only 
freely available C++ compiler supporting OpenMP on Linux and Solaris

The Intel C++ compiler is available for Linux under certain conditions.
You can get an evaluation license anyhow.

The GNU OpenMP compiler is under development.

Best regards

Reza Mirani schrieb:
> /Hi, I have a cluster at home with 4 nodes that has dual proc each,
> //running on Linux.  What is the most popular way (which compiler) to
> //setup so that I can make use of both openmp and mpi code on these
> //machines ?   I am attempting to convert a sequential program (C++) to
> //parallel that has combination of both shared & distributed computing
> //capability. 
> //
> //Thanks in advance,
> /
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> Reza Mirani
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Dieter an Mey
High Performance Computing               Hochleistungsrechnen
RWTH Aachen University                   Rechen- und Kommunikations-
Center for Computing and Communication   zentrum der RWTH Aachen
phone: ++49-(0)241-80-24377              Seffenter Weg 23
fax:   ++49-(0)241-80-22134              52074 Aachen, Germany
email: anmey at rz.rwth-aachen.de

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