[MPICH2-dev] mpi+omp

Reza Mirani rezamirani at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 19 07:24:21 CDT 2006

Hi, I have a cluster at home with 4 nodes that has dual proc each, 
running on Linux.  What is the most popular way (which compiler) to
setup so that I can make use of both openmp and mpi code on these
machines ?   I am attempting to convert a sequential program (C++) to
parallel that has combination of both shared & distributed computing

Thanks in advance, 

Reza Mirani
Electronic department  
Iran Azad university of qazvin
E_mail:rezamirani at yahoo.com
Web Site: www.mirani.4t.com
Tel :+98-918-872-1976
Fax : +1- 413-473-1716 


High Performance Computing Unit
Signal Processing Research Center
E_mail:rezamirani at yahoo.com
Web Site: www.mirani.4t.com
Tel :+98-918-872-1976
Fax : +1- 413-473-1716 
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