[MPICH2-dev] Two mpich2-1.0.3/mpiexec issues

Ezhov, Dmitry dmitry.ezhov at intel.com
Wed Apr 19 06:46:55 CDT 2006

Dear Sirs,


The first issue is that mpiexec fails when it is used with -genv option:


mpd_uncaught_except_tb handling:

exceptions.KeyError: key genv not found in parm db


I guess the failure occurs because of another key value is used in line
#535 of the mpiexec.py module:

parmdb['genv'][args[argidx+1]] = args[argidx+2]


I tried to correct this issue by changing 'genv' to '-genv' and after it
mpiexec works properly with -genv option.

What do you thing about this correction?


The second issue is that mpiexec fails when -genvlist option is used
with two or more -host options (for example, using configfile):


mpd_uncaught_except_tb handling:

exceptions.AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'split'


I guess this failure happens due to -genvlist parameters parsing section
(mpiexec.py, start line #656) executes each time the handle_local_argset
procedure is called. The first call (i.e. the first parsing section
execution) converts -genvlist option parameters from string into list,
but the second one tries to convert obtained list into list again using
string splitting method. And this operation results in raising
AttributeError exception.

How do you think, whether I'm right in assumption that the issue could
be probably fixed by moving parameters parsing section before calling
the aforementioned procedure in order to execute this section only once,
for example, to line #269? At least, I tried to do it and got the
workable mpiexec.py module properly working with -genvlist option
together with configfile or many -host options. 


What is your opinion about these two issues?


Thank you in advance.



Best regards.


Dmitry Ezhov

Software Engeneer,


Intel SSG/DPD/Parallel Solution Lab,

Russia, Sarov.


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