[mpich-discuss] MP_EAGER_LIMIT and MP_BUFFER_MEM question

Matthew Niemerg niemerg at math.colostate.edu
Wed Nov 7 15:53:57 CST 2012


I'm developing a parallel program and have run into MPI hanging on jobs.
 I've narrowed the problem down to broadcasting data to other nodes.  I am
curious how to get a hold of and set the environment variables
MP_EAGER_LIMIT and MP_BUFFER_MEM.  We need to be able to adjust our code
based off of individual machine's configurations of MPI, which is why I
need to get what the environment variables are.  I tried to use the
getenv("MP_EAGER_LIMIT") call, but that seemed to fail.  In addition, I've
tried to set these environment variables using the export command in the
shell before running my program, but that doesn't seem to work either.

Are these environment variables set at runtime, during the configuration of
mpich2, or what?  The data that is being passed is about 10 megs, which, I
wouldn't think would be an issue, but apparently is!

Anyway, any help you can provide would be much appreciative.

Matthew Niemerg
Graduate Research Assistant
Mathematics Department
Colorado State University
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