[mpich-discuss] problems with wmpiconfig on Windows Server 2008 SP2

Timothy_Handley at nps.gov Timothy_Handley at nps.gov
Fri Jun 29 10:20:37 CDT 2012

Hello folks,

I'm having trouble with MPICH2. I've tried a few different things, but have
been unable to resolve the problem. If any of you could help me to figure
this out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

{All this was done from an administrator account}
) I have an 8-core box running Windows Server 2008 SP2 64-bit
) Yesterday, I downloaded and installed MPICH2 1.4.1p1 from the .msi file
) I ran wmpiregister, and gave it a local account.
) I ran wmpiconfig, but am unable to do much with it. If I click 'scan for
versions', then it reports that MPICH2 1.4.1p1 is installed on this
machine. However, if I click 'Get Settings', then I get an error "MPICH2
not installed or unable to query the host". In the left-hand box, the name
of the host remains black rather than green.
) I ran some tests via the command prompt. It turns out that I can use
mpiexec to run the example cpi program on a specified number of cores:

   C:\Program Files\MPICH2>cd examples

   C:\Program Files\MPICH2\examples>mpiexec -n 3 cpi
   Enter the number of intervals: (0 quits) 100000000000
   pi is approximately 3.1415926535897443, Error is 0.0000000000000488
   wall clock time = 3.466131
   Enter the number of intervals: (0 quits) 0

   C:\Program Files\MPICH2\examples>mpiexec -n 6 cpi
   Enter the number of intervals: (0 quits) 100000000000
   pi is approximately 3.1415926535897096, Error is 0.0000000000000835
   wall clock time = 1.731985
   Enter the number of intervals: (0 quits) 0

   C:\Program Files\MPICH2\examples>smpd -status
   smpd running on INPSAMO-CHUGGA.nps.doi.net

) This is great, and it suggests that MPICH2 is installed correctly. So why
am I having trouble with wmpiconfig?
) I turned off Windows Firewall
) Same deal. I can run mpiexec via command prompt, but wmpiconfig still
cannot get settings. Hostname is black.
) I right-click wmpiconfig, and 'run as Administrator'
) Same deal. wmpiconfig cannot get settings. Hostname is black.
) The goal is to do parallel processing via R and the Rmpi library. Just
for fun, I started R, loaded the Rmpi library, and asked for 2 slaves. This
caused R to hang.
) Right-click on R, 'run as Administrator', load the Rmpi library, and ask
for two slaves. R hangs.

So some parts of this system are working (mpiexec via command prompt) but
some parts are not (wmpiconfig, R/Rmpi). Unfortunately, I don't know where
the problem might be. Any advice would be greatly appreciated,

Tim Handley
Biological Science Technician
Mediterranean Network, NPS
805-658-5759 (CHIS)
805-370-2396 (SAMO)

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